Thursday, October 18, 2018

Persistence Pays

I took a chance and went over old ground. I called my previous employer and it looks like they will take me back -- at my old position. Persistence pays.

Good thing. I will have fewer issues with signing back into the same old company to work. The pay is still far below what I made when I first started, but it is pay and at the same old rate and the same old schedule. I will not have to get used to anything but the same old routine and same old schedule at the same old rate. Persistence has paid off, even if I had to go over old ground.

Yes, I know the accounts and the templates, but that will be comforting -- in a way.
Anything to get back to work and bring in a regular paycheck twice a month, a meager check, but a check all the same. Might lose my $15 a month in food stamps, but I don't care. At least I can afford to live and can take my roll of quarters out for laundry every month. I won't let the staff here at Messiah know, but that will come in time. Haven't gotten my check or my first job yet. That is still to come and nothing is set in stone.

I'm sure my previous work will stand me in good stead and that is enough.

I am employed again.

I have a job. I'm not used up yet and will not be for quite a while. I can work and I will work. Time to dig out my equipment now and get ready for work.

That is all. Disperse.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Keep up your pursuits for knowledge and purpose in life.
I posted a comment on your entry "Faded Photographs", wherein I asked if you finished your family history project. Your stories about your family are appealing and I would be interested to read more, if you were able to finish the project.