Thursday, February 21, 2019

And so it Goes

Maybe I should have gone to medical school when I was younger, especially since I obeyed my Mom's threats and didn't go to the Air Force Academy or join the military since I did not want to be disowned. I am a female and, according to Mom, women who go into the military are tramps, whores, women of low moral character. I didn't want to be disowned. I carefully maintained my ties to the family.

I have since been disowned by my family on my most recent birthday. As I turned 64, I was notified that I was out of the family, receiving the news from Beanie by text message.

I realize being disowned by my siblings is not the same as being disowned by my Mom. It is a whole other ball of wax.

Or is it?

It's a matter of respect and degree. I respected my Mom -- until I didn't. She was not a good person. She was vindictive, petty, and she held grudges forever. Maybe that is why I acquiesced to Mom's demands when she threatened to disown me. Maybe that is why she got her wish -- me not going to the Air Force Academy -- or any other military branch office to sign up. Had I done so, she would have had bragging rights about her daughter (me) forever.

But I didn't, and now I'm too old to join the Air Force Academy and too old to join any other branch of military service, although that would be a mistake on the military's behalf since I will still be living about 86 years from now.

I plan to be alive until I'm 150 long after my siblings will be dead.  BB has high blood pressure and is also diabetic. The Mushroom/Idiot has likely high blood pressure and heart disease.  Beanie has arthritis and will likely have another knee replacement when she gets done.

All of these diseases could be cured (or at least dealt with) had they listened to me, but they don't and haven't. I am the oddball out in left field when it comes to letting them know what to do when it comes to their health -- I am to be dismissed, crazy, nutso, whatever ... not sufficiently grief-stricken with Jessie's death as my brother decided I should be when I found out last year. But how does he know the depth or reality of my grief? As far as I know, no one knows the depth or reality of my grief because they never asked me and I never volunteered my feelings because I didn't have any feelings toward Jessie since I didn't know her at all. It would be like asking my grief for someone I'd never met and never spent time with. Somebody on the other side of the world may have had a full life and a lot of family, but when they died and I was told would express grief and offer condolences for their passing, but that would be it. The same is true of Jessie. I didn't know her and had never met her. the same cannot be said of the Mushroom, BB, or Beanie since they had all met her, talked to her, spent time with her, and traveled to the UK to meet her.

I doubt they had slept with her, although the Mushroom did because he spent a whole month getting to know her and sleep with her since they were going to live together and get married (so I was told several times by the Mushroom -- but he told me he was getting married to her for ten years. She told me she was never going to move to the USA or marry my brother when she contacted me by email.).  Then again, according to my family, I'm a liar -- or so Mom said and told everyone for years. She wanted to make certain that no one believed me. That is how she protected herself before I was able to tell anyone she had been abusing me my whole life. It is best to have the audience prejudiced before someone can talk about you and cast you in an altogether bad light. Hollywood has press agents and managers to do that for people who want to hide who they are or what they've done. That has been ongoing forever.

It isn't because Mom called me a liar and a fantasist or told people I was a liar or a fantasist. I know that because I know I didn't lie, never did. It is the fact that I tell the truth and have always told the truth, or when I make a mistake I note that on my posts. I made that mistake about Jessie's death a year ago December 2018. I was told she died on December 26. BB informed me that it was the 27th and so I made an edit and noted the date I had been told by Beanie AND the date BB told me.

It isn't that I tell the truth because Mom died six years ago; she is not here to call me a liar or make me admit my lies.

The fact is that my siblings do not want me to write about the truth and it is because I tell the truth, though BB says it is because of my mouth. I do not tell my lies to others. I don't gossip. That was Dad's faux pas. He loved to gossip and he gossiped all the time. It was his character. He was an inveterate gossip monger. I know because he gossiped all the time . . . usually to get himself out of trouble when he was in trouble with Mom.

You see, that's the case with Dad and Mom. They had their faults and flaws. Mom lied and Dad gossiped. Mom also sought refuge in her credit cards, cards she got all the time and kept from Dad and being delivered to the house so she could use them more easily every time she took her lunch across the street from Lazarus when she worked downtown.

The fact is that she didn't EAT lunch, she took her lunch hour at Lazarus -- across the street from her office. She also took her breaks at Lazarus. She was often at Lazarus. As long as she could spend money and time at Lazarus, she was modestly happy -- or at least that is what I thought. She was seldom happy -- unless she was spending money.

People used to say that Virginia was generous and had bought things for her friends and other people. What they didn't say is that Mom could be generous -- as BB could be generous -- but she never let you forget it. She reminded you of it every chance she got. It's rather like her compliments. Every time she complimented me, patted me on the back, she slapped me in the face. Pat on the back and slap in the face right afterwards.

Mom was predictable. BB is also predictable. She follows Mom in everything she did. Mom got religion in her middle years. BB got religion in her middle years. She even chased a man she met at church. Mom went to church every Sunday and every Wednesday. BB goes to church on Sundays and to church on Wednesday nights. What Mom did, BB does. She is Mom's shadow, following after Mom, walking in her footsteps, doing what Mom did, and she continues to follow in Mom's tracks like a shadow.

Well, BB is Mom's firstborn, though I was born first and BB followed me.

That's the point -- BB followed me, followed in my footsteps, though she did not get the same grades I did nor did she win the awards I did. After all, BB is the shadow and I cast the shadow. It's nothing but life -- and physics. I do not make the rules. I follow the rules; I'm a human not the Universal Creator. Go figure.

I do not claim any more than I was given at birth. I was born. I breathed. I continue to breathe. No problem. I claim no more than what I've just written.

I am an atheist, but I believe in the Creator of All, what I call the Universal Creator. I don't believe in anyone or anything else because I am an atheist. That's what it means to be an atheist. I do not believe in gods, at least not the manmade version of gods. I have an ego, but not THAT much of an ego. I'm not quite that vain or that deluded.

I have been told I'm deluded, but not THAT deluded.

I have a normal ego, a normal id, and a normal superego. Those are the parts of my brain and my biology that came with the package that included breathing. So, I'm normal -- at least as far normal as I am allowed to be, but that can change whenever my body stops breathing and my heart stops beating. I'll be dead and it won't matter anyway.

And so it goes.

That is all. Disperse.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Review: The Magnesium Solution

I received this book through UPS yesterday and read through it last night.

I was concerned about a resident here who was told she had to lose weight and take diuretics or go to the hospital. I bought this book to let her know about the options for treatment, options I myself had refused, and suggested another method for treatment instead of the course her doctor put her on. Now, I choose to publish this review here and on Amazon and let people know there is much more to their physicians' treatment and options that lie before them.

Once again I take to the Internet to publish this review and sound the call that we are all willing to take treatment into our own hands. I stand up and speak out, give them a voice in their own treatment. I am their advocate -- and yours -- and will continue to speak out from what I learn and what I know.

Dr. Jay Cohen, the author of this small book, deserves to be heard. You can buy his book on Amazon or anywhere his book is sold. This, too, is in your hands and you have control. I am only a guide along the path of life showing you the way.

This book, small though it in size, was published through the auspices of SquareOne Health Guide and is available to you wherever books are sold, like Amazon. Purchase it for yourself or check it out at your public library.

Dr. Cohen's biography is listed in the back of this book and he can be found on Amazon or throughout the Internet and his credentials are quite impressive. He, like Dr. William Davis, who wrote the "Wheat Belly" books are both available to you through Amazon and other venues. Search it out, read the book, and spread the word. This review will remain for you to read, copy, and share on Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, and Good Reads, or wherever you believe it will do the most good for you and for others.

Dr. Cohen's experience and expertise are listed in his book and you will be able to disseminate the word wherever you choose. I will do the same. I am after all in college now in order to take up the mantle of being your advocate, your voice, and continuing my work on your behalf though I was forcibly retired by my supervisors. College is my first step and I will continue to be your advocate, though I will not continue as a medical transcriptionist since my job has been ended and my contract canceled.

Dr. Cohen's book is small but full of information that we, the people, have been unaware of until now. I applaud Dr. Cohen's desire to get the news out where we, the people, can purchase his book and avail ourselves of its good news.

Good news The Magnesium Solution for High Blood Pressure is indeed and I place it here for all to see, marvel, and read for themselves.

I have heard about the deficiency of magnesium and the use of magnesium to treat hypertension (high blood pressure) since I was in the hospital after my trek from Colorado to Ohio on a bus. My family has decided against supporting me, but I am not daunted as I was when my mother threatened to disown me over 40 years ago when I decided against pursuing a career in the Air Force or the military because she said, "Only whores and tramps go into the military." I was afraid of being disowned and I am no longer afraid of being disowned. My siblings have disowned me because of what I write or, as BB says, because of my mouth. I did not die when Beanie left me a message on my phone and told me not to contact her. The ever again was implied but I am not afraid and will continue to speak out and stand before the world to speak for others.

I will also take to Twitter and spread the word as well. I will not stop until I am elected once my college career has launched me on my third career in politics. Until then, I will continue to speak out in print and spread the word as an advocate for you and for the voters of the state of Ohio where I currently live. You may vote for me or contribute to my coming campaign as you choose. This is just one stop I will make as I proceed forward with my continuing education and publication.

When I was in rehab, I was told I was hypertensive and the drugs they gave me had horrible side effects. I refused to take the drugs and refused to subject myself to further drugs, deciding to treat myself with natural means. To treat the constipation and the even greater hypertension, I refused treatment. I chose instead to drink prune or apple juice three times daily and thus the bloody constipation ended. The magnesium came later as I published in my post yesterday detailing BB's high blood pressure and the Mushroom and Beanie's migraine headaches. I have since continued to help a fellow resident (in fact several residents) treat her hypertension, weight gain, and diabetes with the information in this book and the words I have printed out and given to them.

Dr. Cohen, like Dr. William Davis of the Wheat Belly series, has done his research and published his work in this book. I strongly suggest you buy the book, borrow it, or get it at Amazon for your Kindle reader. Read it for yourself. You will thank me and you may also share the book however you choose. The book, short as it is, is as necessary for you to read and use as you will. I have bought and sent to friends and relatives "The Wheat Belly" books and will continue to do so as I have. I do not have a job and cannot afford to buy you all this book because my income, such as it is, is meager. I merely point the way, and hope you will buy or borrow the book for yourselves. You will not be sorry.

Aside from the story of how Dr. Cohen came to write this book and why, you will be grateful to him, as I am, and spread the news. Dr. Cohen's background and mission is clear -- to acquaint you with the facts about magnesium and why you need it. Theraworx, as I outlined in yesterday's post, is a quick and efficacious way to get magnesium into your body without the bother of taking pills and having to deal with the usual method of getting magnesium into your body where it will have to deal with assimilation and bio-availability. Theraworx eliminates the usual method of swallowing a pill and is as efficacious as Dr. Drew Pinsky outlines in his television commercials. His foam is absorbed quickly into the skin (transdermal) and is incorporated into the body through the skin. What better way for your body to get the magnesium necessary to your health? You can still buy and swallow the pills and deal with the usual side effects of choosing which version of magnesium will work for you, but I am certain that applying the Theraworx foam is the quickest, safest, and best way to get magnesium into your body. Sally, my friend here at Messiah Community also soaks her feet in Epsom salts, which also contains magnesium, and gets magnesium through the use of Theraworx and the Epsom salts and her magnesium levels are increasing. She will not go to the hospital to continue treatment since she has found this way of supplementing her magnesium.

Though Dr. Cohen did not suggest Theraworx or Epsom salts, he would applaud the use of Theraworx and Epsom salts as I suggested to get the necessary magnesium into the body. Sally will eventually have to transition to taking magnesium supplements (or not) in order to continue her treatment. Whatever works -- for her and for you. The point is that she is getting sufficient magnesium to satisfy her physician's treatment and that is enough -- for now.

I give Dr. Jay Cohen four stars for his book, "The Magnesium Solution", and encourage you all to treat your hypertension (migraines, etc.) by increasing your magnesium levels. Doing so will extend your life, stave off strokes and damage to your body and organs, and see you well on your way to health and a long life.

That is all. Disperse.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Food is Medicine

I have advocated food as the source of curing many medical ills, especially diabetes.

Have you heard of the product, Theraworx? It is for the elimination of muscle cramps. I would also suggest using Theraworx for treating migraine headaches and high blood pressure. Theraworx is a magnesium foam that does indeed alleviate muscle cramps and so is an efficacious therapy for people who have been taking medications for high blood pressure.

Beanie has had her ears pierced and that alleviated her migraines for a while, but she had to have her ears pierced again when the tragus became larger and her migraines came back. I would suggest instead that she purchase Theraworx and apply the foam to the bottom of her feet once or twice a day and her migraines would go away without having her ears pierced again. The real cause of her migraines is a deficiency of magnesium and so Theraworx would work better and be far more effective than her tragal piercings. Theraworx costs about $20 for a bottle at Walmart and is likely similarly priced at Walgreen's and QVC. A $20 bottle of Theraworx would be far less expensive than what BB pays for her medications, which is a whole lot less expensive and far more lasting than her current prescriptions. Her blood pressure would also be regulated and her doctor would cheer her decrease in hypertension, though he would not get the bonus of having to write prescriptions or being given kudos by Big Pharma.

I have been against the drugs given out by doctors my whole life. Mom believed that if you had a problem, she had a pill. I was against this philosophy and have treated myself by using food as medicine. I can cure your obesity with food. I can cure your high blood pressure with food. I can cure almost all your ills with food. Food is indeed medicine and good food is good medicine, but it will not line your doctor's pockets from Big Pharma. It will, however, make you healthier and alleviate your medical ills and diseases. Go to the source: get magnesium.

Which would you prefer: getting healthier by eating good foods or taking another prescription written by your family doctor?

Mom took medication for her migraines and she suffered from high blood pressure at the end of her life. Both problems, the migraines and the high blood pressure (hypertension in medical terms) could have been cured by the application or ingestion of magnesium. The Mushroom suffers from migraines and he could be cured by eating leafy green vegetables full of magnesium, but the quickest and best way of getting magnesium would be to purchase Theraworx and apply it to the bottom of his feet. The magnesium foam would work just as well as eating sufficient leafy green vegetables from organic farmers, but Theraworx is still far cheaper than another prescription from his doctor.

Which would you prefer? Magnesium foam applied to your feet and/or legs, eating lots of leafy green vegetables from organic sources, or taking yet another prescription for which you will have to pay far more than a bottle of Theraworx? It's your choice. Now choose.

Applying the Theraworx to the bottom of your feet and to your legs is the quickest and best way of getting magnesium in sufficient amounts to alleviate your magnesium deficiency or you can go to a farmer's market and buy a lot of organic leafy greens and make a salad. You could also go to your favorite health market and buy a magnesium supplement, but do not forget to also get sufficient calcium since magnesium is best metabolized with calcium, as in CalMag, or by applying Theraworx to the bottom of your feet and your legs. Theraworx would be the transdermal method to get your magnesium and I prefer the organic magnesium by purchasing lots of leafy green vegetables and having a big salad slathered with copious amount of healthy and tasty bleu cheese dressing, especially when prepared with healthy coconut oil or other natural oil like avocado, macadamia, olive oil, or other healthy natural oil to dress your salad. With the bleu cheese dressing, you will also get sufficient calcium to go with those leafy green organic vegetables and that also would be less expensive than whatever your doctor prescribes in pill form like BB takes.

I prefer food as medicine, always have, but I have offered and suggested Theraworx for residents here at Messiah Community in order to make sure they get their magnesium boost. Doctors prescribe calcium channel blockers and calcium agonists to patients with hypertension, but that is the Big Pharma way of getting what Theraworx gives you cheaper and more effectively. The calcium channel blockers and calcium agonists like Capoten, Vasotec, Lotensin, Lipitor, Propranalol, Tenormin, Cardizem, diltiazem, nifedipine, verapamil, Atenolol, enalapril, captopril, benazepril, etc.
You choose. Get the magnesium you need through food or through a pill, or you can apply magnesium to your feet and legs and get it that way. You choose.

Or you can get your ears pierced and solve your problem that way. Remember, the tragus will enlarge and you will have to get your tragal piercing done again and again and again as long as you wish to be free of migraines. Or you can apply Theraworx foam to the bottom of your feet and legs. You could also soak your feet in Epsom salts because they also are a source of magnesium. Magnesium is what you need to lower your blood pressure, cure your migraines, stop muscle cramps, etc. Choose your magnesium and get it the best way possible. I prefer my medicine in my food, bio-available and tasty.

That is all. Disperse.

Monday, February 18, 2019

The Price of Truth

I have received a message from Beanie. She has asked me not to contact her again -- and I will not. She has not answered any of my messages and has not responded to my emails. That is the way things are these days.

I have not had a visit from BB, who promised to visit, which is why I live here in Urbana to be closer to her. I warned here even before moving here that things were about to change for her and that her grandson, now ten and beginning to wish to spend time with those his own age, would not hold her interest long. He is growing up and would rather spend his weekends with his buddies. He is no longer a child but entering the first flush of puberty and choosing his own path in life.

BB warned me that my family has turned against me because of my mouth. It is not my mouth that gives me trouble from my family, but my propensity to write what I see and what affects me. My families actions do indeed affect me and I will write about it. The apartment manager insists that I write what I do and that it upsets my family (which it does and often sets me at odds with my family). That is all part of life and particularly part of this life -- my life.

I have no doubt that my family will not support me when I plunge deep into the political arena and they will not vote for me. I've no qualms about that nor do I expect them to vote for me because we are related. That may be what most people in politics believe; their families will pull together and be seen as supporting them but I have no illusions there.

I do not speak truth to shame the devil (as many people will and do say) but to speak the truth, however painful or onerous it is to whomever. I will speak the truth and not shame the devil -- or my family come to that. I will be true and speak true no matter what comes. I will not, as in times past or even times present, fail to speak or fib just to gain the people's favor. I will not keep a mistress or be a mistress because my family choose to ally themselves with another family, thus marrying me off for the family's good and keep a mistress or be a mistress -- or in the case of the Clintons -- buy off or pay off an inconvenient mistress or get rid of an illegitimate son -- just to be a political success. And I will not mouth platitudes for political success. What you see -- and what you read and hear -- is the truth from my perspective. If I am found wrong later, I will also acknowledge I was wrong and that my information is fallible. But I will not shy away from the truth or make nice just to make my family -- or the people I represent -- happy. That is not (and has not been) my way.

Since I do not believe in the devil -- or in man-made gods -- I have no one to please or harm but myself. I came to grips with the knowledge that my father was not as he claimed to be -- a heterosexual -- and he hid in the closet and played it straight for the rest of the world. Maybe that is what was behind Mom's constant abuse of him and why she could not forgive him for his indiscretions. She tortured him for her own ego and used her power over him to keep him on the straight and narrow path. She abhorred his drinking and he could never fool her by drinking vodka. Her nose was far too keen and so by drinking vodka he only fooled himself; he never fooled her nor did he ever fool the man-made god and Jesus, come to that. He lived a lie all of his life and never repented, though he went to the altar many times, often Mom led the way likely got her own sins and errors as much as for his

But I will not follow their path nor will I change my manner of writing. I have previously kept my thoughts private in my written journals, but now (thanks to Mom and Beanie) I am released to publish my own middle-aged meanderings online in full view of the world. I do not shrink from what I once feared -- hiding the truth. Mom has read all that I had written and asked kept from her, which was not done as Mom gained access and read it all: good, bad, and indifferent. She found out that my world did not revolve around her nor did I blame her for as much as she visited on me. Instead, I was mapping my progress along the road of life (my life) without shame or regret or apology.

At least in that regard, Beanie did me a favor by not burning my journals to keep Mom from them. I might have regretted that she had failed me by not burning the journals, but now I am glad that Mom knew the truth, even the truth about Dad, though no doubt she already knew and had kept it from herself and abused Dad in her own way. That was her way -- abusing her husband for the rest of their lives together, even using me to talk him back home when he had quit her and walked away. I regret that I was used thus, but that is in the past and I loved Dad and would have done anything to keep him at home and married to Mom because I was a child and easily manipulated.

You may say that parents should not use their children so callously, but they do and I am proof. I did not know the full scope of Mom's perfidy with regard to Dad and her marriage, but that is in the past and I know that, just as I know that Dad's behavior is also in the past and it does not stay in the past because it is part of my life and I hide nothing. I speak the truth, even when it hurts me. Life is not an easy path and the road to heaven and hell is before us. Whether we travel the broad road paved to heaven or hell, it is the road we choose and final judgment will come in the end.

I do not believe that St. Peter stands at the gate to welcome those who are rewarded with walking through the pearly gates and watches those who travel the broad, paved path to hell with regret while a tear streaks silently down his cheek. Heaven and hell are reward and punishment and I have never believed in them and I questioned how a fire could harm an eternal soul. I wrote about it endlessly and often argued with Mom over that one issue. My path was decided before I drew my first breath and is now solidified in that I have chosen to be an atheist because I do not believe in man-made gods or demons. I believe in the Universal Creator, he whom the Muslims call Allah. Allah is no more the universal creator than I am the man in the moon, but I doubt my saying so -- or writing so -- would change the beliefs of millions of Muslims who are caught in the web Mohammed wove around his believers 1400 years ago, and they are caught in the trap, willingly, because they are not allowed to question the words of a warped and cruel dwarf who was caught in his own madness, trapped by his pernicious and wealthy wife and further trapped by his prepubescent bride protecting her position and catered to his madness in her innocence. Muslims will have to face that and either cast their beliefs aside and join the rest of sane humanity instead of becoming martyrs for their reward in Paradise. It does not exist, but they will have to deal with that I as I have and face the facts.

My future it would seem is bleak and friendless, but I believe that I am the corporeal reality while the Universal Creator figures himself (or itself) out. That is it and all about it.

And so I wish my family had seen me and the truth differently, but they have their way and I have mine. I will not trade lies for truth for them and I will not do so to join a political party like Bernie Sanders did. I will speak the truth no matter how hard it is for others (including my family) to read or hear. I will not be false, but at least I will couch their names and identities as I have with Beanie, BB, and the Mushroom or Idiot (not that nicknames or couching names have fooled the truly determined) but at least it will make my family feel better about what they read or hear and thus they may end up voting for me and/or supporting me as they have not done until now.

The best (or worst) is yet to come.

That is all. Disperse.