Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Food is Medicine

I have advocated food as the source of curing many medical ills, especially diabetes.

Have you heard of the product, Theraworx? It is for the elimination of muscle cramps. I would also suggest using Theraworx for treating migraine headaches and high blood pressure. Theraworx is a magnesium foam that does indeed alleviate muscle cramps and so is an efficacious therapy for people who have been taking medications for high blood pressure.

Beanie has had her ears pierced and that alleviated her migraines for a while, but she had to have her ears pierced again when the tragus became larger and her migraines came back. I would suggest instead that she purchase Theraworx and apply the foam to the bottom of her feet once or twice a day and her migraines would go away without having her ears pierced again. The real cause of her migraines is a deficiency of magnesium and so Theraworx would work better and be far more effective than her tragal piercings. Theraworx costs about $20 for a bottle at Walmart and is likely similarly priced at Walgreen's and QVC. A $20 bottle of Theraworx would be far less expensive than what BB pays for her medications, which is a whole lot less expensive and far more lasting than her current prescriptions. Her blood pressure would also be regulated and her doctor would cheer her decrease in hypertension, though he would not get the bonus of having to write prescriptions or being given kudos by Big Pharma.

I have been against the drugs given out by doctors my whole life. Mom believed that if you had a problem, she had a pill. I was against this philosophy and have treated myself by using food as medicine. I can cure your obesity with food. I can cure your high blood pressure with food. I can cure almost all your ills with food. Food is indeed medicine and good food is good medicine, but it will not line your doctor's pockets from Big Pharma. It will, however, make you healthier and alleviate your medical ills and diseases. Go to the source: get magnesium.

Which would you prefer: getting healthier by eating good foods or taking another prescription written by your family doctor?

Mom took medication for her migraines and she suffered from high blood pressure at the end of her life. Both problems, the migraines and the high blood pressure (hypertension in medical terms) could have been cured by the application or ingestion of magnesium. The Mushroom suffers from migraines and he could be cured by eating leafy green vegetables full of magnesium, but the quickest and best way of getting magnesium would be to purchase Theraworx and apply it to the bottom of his feet. The magnesium foam would work just as well as eating sufficient leafy green vegetables from organic farmers, but Theraworx is still far cheaper than another prescription from his doctor.

Which would you prefer? Magnesium foam applied to your feet and/or legs, eating lots of leafy green vegetables from organic sources, or taking yet another prescription for which you will have to pay far more than a bottle of Theraworx? It's your choice. Now choose.

Applying the Theraworx to the bottom of your feet and to your legs is the quickest and best way of getting magnesium in sufficient amounts to alleviate your magnesium deficiency or you can go to a farmer's market and buy a lot of organic leafy greens and make a salad. You could also go to your favorite health market and buy a magnesium supplement, but do not forget to also get sufficient calcium since magnesium is best metabolized with calcium, as in CalMag, or by applying Theraworx to the bottom of your feet and your legs. Theraworx would be the transdermal method to get your magnesium and I prefer the organic magnesium by purchasing lots of leafy green vegetables and having a big salad slathered with copious amount of healthy and tasty bleu cheese dressing, especially when prepared with healthy coconut oil or other natural oil like avocado, macadamia, olive oil, or other healthy natural oil to dress your salad. With the bleu cheese dressing, you will also get sufficient calcium to go with those leafy green organic vegetables and that also would be less expensive than whatever your doctor prescribes in pill form like BB takes.

I prefer food as medicine, always have, but I have offered and suggested Theraworx for residents here at Messiah Community in order to make sure they get their magnesium boost. Doctors prescribe calcium channel blockers and calcium agonists to patients with hypertension, but that is the Big Pharma way of getting what Theraworx gives you cheaper and more effectively. The calcium channel blockers and calcium agonists like Capoten, Vasotec, Lotensin, Lipitor, Propranalol, Tenormin, Cardizem, diltiazem, nifedipine, verapamil, Atenolol, enalapril, captopril, benazepril, etc.
You choose. Get the magnesium you need through food or through a pill, or you can apply magnesium to your feet and legs and get it that way. You choose.

Or you can get your ears pierced and solve your problem that way. Remember, the tragus will enlarge and you will have to get your tragal piercing done again and again and again as long as you wish to be free of migraines. Or you can apply Theraworx foam to the bottom of your feet and legs. You could also soak your feet in Epsom salts because they also are a source of magnesium. Magnesium is what you need to lower your blood pressure, cure your migraines, stop muscle cramps, etc. Choose your magnesium and get it the best way possible. I prefer my medicine in my food, bio-available and tasty.

That is all. Disperse.

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