Friday, October 12, 2018

Should Kavanaugh Step Down?

The Supreme Court nominee is still under fire and many talking heads and reporters have made their opinions known.

I didn't listen to the process, but I did hear Blasey-Ford's testimony (part of it anyway). I do believe that she is sincere and that she was assaulted, but I am not down with her bringing up the alleged rape (only because I'm sticking to legalese) 36 years ago.

It seems that talking heads and politicians have had their say and they believe Kavanaugh is guilty of assaulting Ms. Blasey-Ford. And yet they confirmed Kavanaugh's appointment to the Supreme Court -- narrowly, but confirmed all the same.

In my estimation, Kavanaugh knows the truth of whether or not he is guilty or innocent, but he is not stepping down. He has stayed in the process and has taken the oath. This is not the 1700s. This is the 21st century and the mob is comfortable with the uniform gray that has infected our lives and our legal system.

I am not.

In my opinion, Kavanaugh should step down and let President Trump choose someone else for the Supreme Court, especially since the appointment is FOR LIFE. I doubt anyone Trump nominates will go down easily or be confirmed without political blood shed. Is it possible that the people and the politicians are comfortable with nominating or putting anyone who has ties to rape and/or sexual assault that reflect up the line, all the way to the top, the President of the United States (POTUS).

I am not.

With the #MeToo movement gaining momentum women are becoming more and more like the men who have assaulted them -- bullies. I am not down with that either.

I am not.

It is impossible to find a single male that is free of taint because this country -- and the entire world --  has been party to the degradation, humiliation, and shaming of women since Adam and Eve. It is endemic wherever women are and have been. No woman is free of the taint of scandal or abuse and women have been the focus of abuse since the beginning of time.

This is supposed to be the Enlightened Age and we are (or supposed to be) discerning adults. In this shining country on the hill, we should be free of the taint of abusing women and free of abuse of the poor and downtrodden, but we cannot free ourselves of the taint of millennia of abuse without owning up to our past and making adjustments that will impact the whole of the world, not when we make fun of abusing people -- all people -- and especially women -- in the wake of accepting responsibility and blame.

If Kavanaugh knows in his heart that he is guilty of what he has been accused by Blasey-Ford, he should recant his nomination and step down -- just as Justice Clarence Thomas.

It's time to clean house. Anyone in politics -- and in office -- should admit their wrongdoing and step down. Since the abuse has been millennia in the harming of women (joke and fact) accepting responsibility and coming clean will not be an easy process. It will be a full paradigm shift and full of casualties.

The pendulum swings both ways -- cutting all guilty throats.

That's one way to clear the field. Scorched -- or bloody -- Earth. No other way. There is not a single country, government, or administration that will not be scathed. Even Obama fought the Specter of Liar, Liar during his administration, and continues to suffer the gimlet-eyed spotlight. Neither Obama nor Clinton will own up to the truth, and we have not been able to force the issue -- until now.

The same goes for celebrating Columbus Day. Columbus did "discover" America. Whether or not he committed atrocities or spread disease throughout the peoples of America, he is still known as the European who discovered America. If we modern people are to divest him of his achievement, we must also vacate the land and give the land back to the indigenous people without a single glance backward.

It is easy to stop celebrating the colonial past. It is less easy to admit  we were wrong and move on. A major upheaval is in order when we divorce ourselves from the past and all we have gained -- much like expecting Kavanaugh to admit his sin without a trial and step down from his newly accepted post at the Supreme Court. I am asking the impossible -- so everyone will tell you, but I believe in the impossible and I also believe that people are at their souls good people. Or not if they choose to follow the path that led them to their present success and glory.

Maybe I am deluded, just as deluded as I am when I tell people who think punching others in the throat is a joke or acceptable. Then I must also be deluded when I expect perpetrators and predators to own up to their sins and take their medicine NOW and not decades later, even 36 or 500 years later.

We cannot accept the paradigm shift if we do not admit that WE WERE WRONG and make substantial reparations.

Let Blasey Ford prove her case in the halls of justice and put this incident behind her. Let Kavanaugh stand trial and face Blasey Ford and accept his punishment. There is no way to do so unless we recant the mindset that women are stupid, empty-headed, and victims that goes back to the beginning in the Garden of Eden. God, we are told, stationed angels with fiery swords barring the entrance to Eden, avenging angels who supposedly stand to this day, but I doubt God told the truth -- at least as far as admitting he lied about Eden and the facts about Eve and the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. God must not have been so all knowing and all powerful then, so why would we see him as omnipotent and omniscient now?

According to HIS WORD, the Bible, the Serpent (otherwise known as Satan, Lucifer, the Shining
One) finagled Eve's innocence and talked her into eating the fruit and then getting Adam to eat the fruit, though Adam knew it was wrong. God cursed Adam and Eve with death (in the fullness of time) and the serpent with being the prey of women for his sins.

I don't agree. Yes, women have taken the fall of Adam and Eve and born the brunt of their shame by being the natural prey to the world's men, the fruit of Adam and Eve's loins. I do not believe that.

I believe that the real sin was the Serpent having sex with Eve with the result of her getting pregnant. The result of that coupling was Cain. Adam was his avowed father, but God did make a difference in the treatment of Cain and Abel (the natural son of Adam and Eve when she fell pregnant after they coupled). Cain suffered God's mark upon him and was reviled and cast into the outer darkness. Another Lie. 

Why was Cain marked for his sin of killing Abel? Okay, there is the sin of murder on his soul, so why not put him to death? He was already condemned by God for Adam and Eve's transgression in the Garden of Eden, so why not put him to death by murdering him just as he murdered Abel?

No, Cain must be reviled by the whole world -- ALL people. That is why this omnipotent and omniscient god marked him and set him to move about the Earth where he found favor with a daughter from the village of people (daughter of the tribe of Men). The Men did not kill Cain because of the mark on his forehead, the symbol of his murder of his brother. Small price to pay from the omniscient and omnipotent god who failed to take Cain's life as forfeit for murdering his brother, Abel.

Had the omniscient (the all-knowing and all-seeing deity who didn't see this coming -- Cain's murder of Abel) and omnipotent (all powerful deity who was not powerful enough who saw this coming and didn't prevent it) Father of ALL mankind made a mistake? Not possible in an invisible and all powerful and all knowing deity -- at least from my point of view. So God lied either to cover up his incompetence or the Serpent's true actions in the Garden of Eden. Either way we believers must believe and have faith in a weak and powerless deity.

I don't agree.

Now you know why I am an atheist. I question ALL man made gods. A man-made god is not the Universal Creator so we do not have to follow their rules because an imperfect and impotent deity made the rules. We can only look to ourselves and follow the real rules, not rules made up and enforced by MEN (mankind).

The only rules are love each other and help out each other. So, love and treat others the way you wish to be treated. Basically, the Universal Creator wants us to love and help each other, in other words love your neighbor as you love yourself. All the other rules are empty come to that and easily manipulated and mistaken -- according to mankind's nature. We are born of Adam and Eve's actions -- whether you believe Adam got Eve pregnant with both Cain and Abel or if you realize that the Serpent got Eve pregnant and Adam got Eve pregnant with Abel and that God hadn't seen that coming and wasn't powerful enough to stop it or change it.

I guess God was busy elsewhere and didn't have the power to intervene in the Garden of Eden just as God was elsewhere when David saw his commander's wife bathing on the roof of their house and then sent Uriah, Bathsheba's husband, out to be killed in battle. God was evidently omniscient enough to know that David and Bathsheba would eventually have a son called Solomon who would be wise enough determine the mother of the infant two women were squabbling over.

If God needed Solomon to be born and he knew who his parents were, why not intervene and put David and Bathsheba together and not have her marry Uriah, thus preventing his eventual murder by David manipulating and plotting Uriah's murder?

It seems that God looks away when his favorites are put in difficult situations and end up sinning. Better to pay penance and suffer the death of innocents (like a gestating or just born infant) until the right one comes along to make things better and follow a more honest and straight path. Too bad God didn't see the Queen of Sheba coming or King Solomon's infatuation with her.

But you will mention that God gave mankind free will. Not so free when you get right down to it, especially when murder, betrayal, and breaking the LAW are concerned. Free will still has consequences and mankind is left to suffer for it.

I don't agree.

In my view, all man-made gods have feet of clay.  They are fallible and their LAWS can be manipulated -- by mankind.

I don't agree.

That is all. Disperse.

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