Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Frog or Scorpion?

We should be careful to climb on the back of a scorpion, but we should also be careful of becoming a scorpion or a frog in need of a ride across a river blocking our path. We should not attack needlessly. We should also be far more tolerant when we hear and see something that trips our triggers.
We should also be honest and not end up playing the telephone game where we whisper a simple sentence in our partner's ear while sitting in a circle. What we begin with is seldom what comes out at the end of the game.
We should not gossip and we should not repeat information that seems right but isn't right. That is where the fake news comes in, especially when respected journalists are little more than gossipmongers spreading what they believe is right, but have not checked (researched) to see is right.
Like the story going around that tear gas was fired into a crowd and children were at risk.
That story is not correct. No, we have not endangered children -- or their parents -- for coming illegally into our country. Tear gas was fired. That is correct But tear gas was fired at the chain link fence that separates our land from Mexico's border. It was not fired specifically and directly at illegal immigrants -- or anyone. It was fired at the fence to keep immigrants from climbing the fence and illegally broaching our U.S. border.
Got that? Tear gas was fired at the border so immigrants would not enter illegally -- a deterrent not a direct attack on the immigrants. Parents who have brought their children on this caravan should watch out for their children and not put their children in danger -- which they have failed to do from the beginning.
Yes, their actions are from the political unrest, but mostly their actions are from a desire to better themselves -- we hope. Sadly, when immigrants throw the food and necessities of life onto the ground because they are not being given 'the best' then their desire for a better life becomes less believable -- much like the story of tear gas tossed into crowds. That did NOT happen. That is a lie meant to discredit and stir up animosity at Trump. Bad idea.
Trump is not the brightest and best of presidents because he has far too much ego. But Trump was not elected because he was the most popular and most ethical (just like Obama was supposed to be the most popular and ethical -- and wasn't). Trump is the response to the hope and change that Obama preacified but did not deliver. Campaign rhetoric seldom comes down to what is but what if.
After 8 years of lies and promises, we, the people of the United States, wanted a change -- a far right shift from a definitely far left position. Trump has been asked to run before, but he didn't. The only thing that could have motivated such a drastic shift was the drastic shift that Obama demonstrated. To continue to follow the same disastrous shift that Obama demonstrated, the Democrats will lose again.
Democrats have the right idea -- finally -- of bettering the nation, but as someone who is very adaptable to changes, I don't recommend dramatic change, but the smaller, easier changes that most people can accommodate.
Obama was a liar.
Trump plays fast and loose with the truth. What salesman have you ever encountered who does not play fast and loose with the truth? Car salesmen for instance, especially of the secondhand vehicles. Gilding the lily is the basis for all transactions.
I would prefer Trump not tweet his every thought and I would prefer Obama go back to the hole he crawled out of, but my preferences are not at issue. I would also prefer that Democrats grow up and get real. Bernie Sanders, for all of his 'ideas' about what we can and cannot afford with regard to health care, education, etc. is not at all realistic. He is a dreamer -- a dreamer we cannot afford.
In the end, we are back to the scorpion and the frog. The frog needs to get across the river, but he does not need to get across the river by climbing on the back of the scorpion because he will die when the scorpion strikes. The scorpion is acting according to its nature. So in this scenario -- Trump versus Obama. -- which is the scorpion?
Before you assume I voted Trump, let me stop you. I did not vote for Trump. I thought he was a clown hogging the center ring of a three-ring circus. He has done little to change my opinion of him. The clown is not the scorpion. Obama is the scorpion. He hides his basic nature beneath a charming exterior, but he has not fooled me. He is the scorpion and I prefer to avoid scorpions and not get stung. Trump is more a bee -- annoying and potentially dangerous since I am allergic to bee stings, but not fatal if I keep my Epi-Pen handy.
So, no, Trump did not order tear gas to be lobbed into the crowd, endangering children. The soldiers lobbed tear gas at the fence which the caravan would have climbed to gain illegal access to our country, forcing us, the United States people, to deal with them. If the immigrants do not wish to illegally enter this country, especially against the law and against the peoples' wishes, they could have stepped back out of harm's way, protected their children, and not have to breathe the tear gas. They should have protected their children and sought to make changes in their home countries and not forced entry here in the United States.
But then the immigrants put their wishes and desires before their children and before anyone who gets in the way. Me, me, me, me, me is all they want. They care about themselves more than anything or anyone. They are already Democrats who talk a good game, but when it comes down to the rub, they are all talk and no sensible action.

In this fable, Obama is the scorpion and Trump is the hapless, albeit politically naive frog. Trump let his ego lead him when Bill Clinton, another scorpion, egged him into the political area, and Hillary, another scorpion -- small but lethal -- and more naive than Trump urged Trump on because she was sure the American people would vote for her and she would handily beat Trump. Hillary is the deadliest scorpion of all, but her ego mitigates her sting.

Frog or scorpion? You choose. I'll adapt as I always have because I was raised by a scorpion with more naievete and ego than Hillary.

That is all. Disperse. 

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