Monday, January 21, 2019

Do Not ABOLISH the Electoral College

When I was a child, I thought as a child, but then I grew up and began to think with discernment -- and realize how wrong I was. I did not have the knowledge that I now possess. I acted as a child who is deprived of her candy and was fit to be tied. I did not know whereof I spoke. 

That was the case when it came to the Electoral College. I was incensed when Clinton became POTUS. I thought he was a fraud and a rapist, but he was elected and the Electoral College confirmed his election. I was devastated. How could this rapist become our next US POTUS? Did people not see they had elected a rapist and a fraud? 

Evidently not. I had to go down to the board of elections in downtown Columbus, Ohio, stand in line with the Welfare recipients, and listen to their drivel. They did not have a clue. I was married at that time and my new husband worked at the polling station, but we had just moved and did not get our status changed and so we had to go downtown to the Board of Elections and vote with everyone else who had not changed their status. If I only knew then what I know now. 

Clinton was elected and the Electoral College ratified his election. A bigger FUBAR I could not imagine and I was ready to vote the Electoral College out of existence. Principles of Democracy (POD) was taken out of our high school and POD no longer existed in our high school curriculum. I did not know what I was missing. I was glad I would not have to suffer through POD my senior year and was grateful. I should not have been grateful. I should have been upset and angry. 

But I was neither upset nor angry. 

I missed a core concept of my education and would regret it in later years -- later years like now -- and the first time I missed it was when I protested against Clinton's election as POTUS. A bigger criminal did not exist and I only knew about the death let loose in Canada because of Slick Willy and his wife's greed. All of that was because Slick Willey had changed the laws governing prison inmates that allowed their blood to be sold to Canada. Their blood was not checked and their diseases (HIV, AIDs, hepatitis, etc.) were passed on to the good people of Canada who trusted the United States POTUS. Canadians could not have trusted an oilier and more reprehensible snake -- the same snake that we, the people, had elected as our President. 

It did not matter (to me at least) that Clinton was a snake or that he had possibly raped a British citizen when he was studying over there. He was a smart and articulate Rhodes scholar. He was touted as the first black president of the US. Acting like you are black is not the same thing as being black. 

I can tell you that though I look white, I am not white. I am black and a Native American. I just look white. The black comes from an escaped slave who was adopted into the Cherokee tribe. My Native American genes come from my great grandmother, who was a bona fide Cherokee and was listed on the Cherokee rolls. Luckily, she never had to walk the Trail of Tears. She was already married to an Englishman, the same Englishman who was related to General George Cornwallis -- of the battle of York fame -- or infamy -- depending on which side your family hailed from. We Cornwells, (that includes me) were of the wrong side of the Cornwallis family, a son, not in the family line (inheritance wise), and had been shipped off to the colonies to make his way in the world and bring back a fortune. Instead, the son married a Cherokee woman, as many Englishmen and foreigners of the time did, and thus her DNA came down to me, an adopted Cornwell who was also born a Cornwell because my biological mother, Anne Cornwell, was from the same line of descent. 

Though my bio Mom had strawberry blonde hair, she was of the same line of descent as her brother (my Dad, who was also a blond) and also contained black and Cherokee DNA. Aunt Anne would never get her DNA tested and still will not, so she will never know what she could claim as her genetic heritage. She knows her grandmother is Cherokee and that is fine with her, though she would not claim it is of any importance since I told her two years ago that she was not her father's (Cary Cornwell) biological daughter. She was born of a liaison between her mother and some other man's getting and thus illegitimate, except that Cary Cornwell, the only father she knew, had no hand -- or other appendage -- in her birth. Grandpa Cornwell claimed her and that made her legitimate -- at least as far as law is concerned. The rest is a fantasy of blood (DNA) and whatever happened between Grandpa and Grandma Cornwell that resulted in Grandma Cornwell going to Columbus to live with her family before Anne was born. Another secret that I, her biological daughter, told her because the only way to get AB-negative blood from a family with A-positive blood is to have a parent (her father) with AB-negative blood. That is how I found out the truth that had been hidden her whole life. She was not adopted as my Uncle Don claimed; she was illegitimate as far as blood can tell now, which is the other reason Aunt Anne will never get her DNA tested. 

In the end, it does not matter to me or to my Aunt Anne what her DNA says because if we want it, we ill have to wait until she is dead to get a sample to tell. It does not matter. She can keep her secret and believe that she was adopted instead of born of an affair her mother that resulted in Aunt Anne's birth. No one will ever know, unless they are me or whoever reads what I write and believes that. 

Aunt Anne is proud of her rare blood type. She has donated her blood for decades and probably saved a lot of AB-negative lives, so maybe they, too, will believe me -- if they read what I write.  

In DNA roulette, I did not get my bio-mom's blood type (AB-negative), but it seems my eldest son, David Scott, did get her blood type. I did not know that fact until he called me and told me I was wrong about getting your blood type from your parents. Any other blood type, like AB-negative, can only be passed from the parent to the child. Since I had no other lover, he got his blood type via DNA roulette -- from my bio Mom and not from an illicit affair when Dave and I were married. Sorry, David Scott, you are not proof of my illicit affair, but the random chance of DNA roulette. You got your blood type via my bio Mom's blood and not from my putting horns on your father's head. Oh, well. 

At any rate, I was writing about the Electoral College and not about rare blood types. I was surprised when I realized what had happened and how Aunt Anne ended up with a rare blood type instead of the blood type A-positive as all of the rest of the Cornwells have. 

Back to the Electoral College and the school board taking out POD (Principles of Democracy) from my high school curriculum. 

I was young and I believed in the fairness of the Constitution -- until Slick Willy (Bill Clinton) was elected. I wanted to abolish the Electoral College, vote it out of the Constitution -- until now. I was young and idealistic, but I have since learned that the Electoral College was put into place by the forefathers so that a President of the United States (POTUS) is not elected solely by popular vote. The Electoral College is necessary so that our elections do not resemble a mob vote, which is what happened when Donald Trump was elected POTUS and ratified by the Electoral College. 

Hillary Clinton (married to Slick Willy) would have abolished the Electoral College when Trump was elected so that she would be the POTUS and not Trump. Many of the US people would agree with her -- as I once would have agreed in my youth because I did not study POD and realize the purpose of the Electoral College. The United States was formed so that neither blood (royal family bloodlines) nor popular vote would rule. The Electoral College prohibits a popular vote by itself. Donald Trump did not get the popular vote, but the Electoral College ratified his election as President of the United States, though a whole lot of Democrats would have abolished the Electoral College and removed Trump from office all due to Trump Derangement Syndrome. 

Seriously? You would abolish the protection the forefathers put into place because you do not like who got elected? You were singing a very different tune when Obama was elected and the Electoral College ratified the vote, leaving him in as POTUS despite the many birthers who believe Obama to have been born in Kenya. No, Obama was not born in Hawaii and his long form birth certification IS a forgery, but he was not born in Kenya. He is a US citizen and he was born in the United States, just not in Hawaii as was claimed. That is how he is listed, but he was not born in Hawaii. Hawaii was the only state in the Union where his birth could be announced in the paper and the birth certificate follow. 

No, Barack Obama, Jr., was not born in Hawaii and his biological father is not Barack Obama, Sr. Stanley Ann Dunham chose him as Barry's father because she admired him. She was already pregnant when she met Barack, Sr. and they got married. According to the time line and Ann Dunham move to Washington state to have her baby the year before Barry counts his birth date, Barry was born of a liaison between Malcolm X and Ann Dunham. That would prove that Barry was born on US soil, a native son, but Malcolm X was already married and, despite being a Muslim, he had only the one wife and could not legally marry Ann Dunham or claim Barry as his son, Ann Dunham chose Barack Obama, Sr. to be her unborn child's father. 

Barack, Sr. was a Muslim (at the time) and he was black, so Barack, Sr. was the right choice. Ann Dunham could not have married Malcolm X nor could she marry her parents' black neighbor, but she did the next best thing -- she married a Muslim of Kenyan origin studying in the US who was also a man she admired. No doubt Barack, Sr. knew the truth and it is certain Barry knows the truth but cannot claim it in public or his career would be over. Barry would also be discredited if it were known that Barry was Malcolm X's son (something else that would create a following, but would not play well -- the illegitimate son of Malcolm X). 

I will already be branded a liar or a fantasist, and my siblings would agree, but these facts fit the truth and I prefer the truth. I do not have a lot of money to get a DNA test, but these facts would play almost as good as the birther conspiracy that Barry has turned to his own benefit politically and financially. I doubt that the truth about who are Sasha and Malia's biological parents would play as well politically, but who knows? The conspiracy theory that Michelle Obama is a man keeps the hype building when the truth is that Michelle was born a woman and is not a man, though that would probably suit Barry better since he is a homosexual. Until last election, an openly gay man could not be elected -- that is until Colorado elected its first openly homosexual Republican governor. Barry was not at the crest of that political wave and would not have been elected until recently. Then again, being a Democrat would also have put the lid on that nonstarter. 

Slick Willy claimed to be the first black POTUS, but that turned out to be Barry Soetoro AKA Barack Obama, Jr., though Barry was not black, but biracial -- half black-half white.  Slick Willey had a biracial son, but Hillary put a lid on that illicit affair. Good thing the illegitimate son did not go into politics. Who knows? One thing we do know is that neither Slick Willey nor Hillary Clinton ever got the DNA test and did not prove Danny Williams, Slick Willy's illegitimate biracial son, to be a hoax. That dog won't hunt. 

The Electoral College still exists to keep the United States from the popular vote for the POTUS, even if the Electoral College ratified Donald Trump's presidency. No, I did not vote for Trump. I voted for someone else -- and it was not Hillary either. I still think Trump is a clown, but at least he has made good on more of his campaign promises than anyone in past history, including the Clintons. He is a narcissist, but then so is Obama. He has had many wives, but he has married all of the women and did not sneak an illegitimate child past us -- or fake a DNA test to prove the illegitimate child is not his. Trump claims all of his children. 

I grew up. I am not the idealist I was when I was a teenager. I am, however, someone who still believes in the political system and will run for office once I finish college and will run for the House of Representatives. If I get elected, I will have run as an advocate for seniors and an advocate for the truth and for the little people -- the ones who have been marginalized, ignored, and/or let fall through the cracks. There is one thing I have changed my mind about -- and that is politics. I believe that I can speak for the people and do good for we, the people, of the United States. Who knows? Maybe I will be POTUS and will pray to be ratified by the Electoral College. Or then again, I might end up as I once hoped I would be a Supreme Court Justice serving for life. I wonder which POTUS will choose me for the SCOTUS. Democrat or Republican since I am a bona fide Independent. 

That is all. Disperse. 

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