Thursday, June 27, 2019

No need for bailouts or socialism

Bernie Sanders is out on the trail stumping to be elected for president -- again. Isn't he too old?

The POTUS is not a platform for promoting socialism or communism but a position of leadership for the man or woman that is elected. Instead, the people of the United States trade their morals and ethics for a chance to be the President of the United States (POTUS). We have seen and still experience the swamp that has grown up around politics and we have suffered for it. We have liars that will cheat and lie to become President: Obama and Trump are excellent examples of that. Add in the Clintons and that makes it worse. The Clintons are the epitome of the dunghill that is politics and has become politics. The forefathers knew what they were doing, but they did not count on the people that politics attracts and continues to attract. We are living in the midst of that dunghill and suffering from the swamp of politics that the dunghill attracts.

We have had and continue to have liars, cheats, Obamas, Trumps, and Clintons to show for it.

I'm not advising that we forego the presidency but that we grow in intelligence and stop the political gravy train that attracts the worst of mankind's politicians. The forefathers did not count on that aspect of the political swamp.

That is how we end up with the dregs of humanity and politicians and the Green Peace Corps that currently inhabits the political swamp that is the Washington, D. C. that we know, abhor, and detest today. How is that for wisdom that comes with age? The forefathers did not have the wisdom or the vision we deserve of a supreme leader.

It is like the absolute power and unlimited corruption that comes with any leader. It was the same for the world when women ruled the men and it is what we have now that the men have ruled the women now. Absolution power = absolute corruption.

We have done better overall with our Democratic government and the government our forefathers set up, but it all ends with absolute power and absolute corruption. Our shining city on the hill has been a light that leads to wisdom for the rest of the world.

Or at least our democratic government has been a guiding light for centuries, at least since 1776 when the U. S. Constitution was written and enacted. We will continue on until the foreseeable future --rip or at least until the Second Coming -- and we are nearly there. Can't you feel it? Don't you see it? The U. S. Constitution is a marvelous and brilliant document and it has been amended and lasted until now -- or at least until Barack Obama ripped it to shreds and Donald Trump continues to rip the constitution to shreds. It must be the end of days and Christ has not come back yet -- or ever will.

There will be no Second Coming and there will be no Paradise as envisioned in Mohammed's Islamic Quran.

Creation's Universal God is not going to come to see us. HE set up the religions -- or at least allowed religions to be set up just as our U. S. Constitution was set up and continues to be amended, expanded, an revised. That is what is ahead for us -- at least until the end of the world is reached and the wisdom of the truth Universe's God can be understood and realized.

We are not there yet. We will be soon.

It takes time for humanity to realize that they don't have to follow the dictates of previous religions or leaders and we aren't there yet.

We will get there and we won't blow ourselves up or destroy our planet. That will not happen. We are not meant for extermination the way we exterminate insects like roaches or control them as we do by modifying our seeds to kill insects and keep them from breeding. We will not -- and do not -- rely on genetically modified seeds to sustain us. The planet will serve our needs as long as we pay attention and do not modify Mother Nature to the point that we cannot or will not survive.

At least I do not think so.

All these religions (Islam, Christianity, Judaism, LDS, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc.) are humanity's answers to continue to survive -- and they are wrong.

All religions are a stopgap to keep us from killing each other and survive until the end comes and we are rewarded with the POINT to all existence. We are close, but we are not there yet.

Humanity is focused on sin and avoiding sin or at least making reparations for having sinned. We do not get it yet, but we are closer to the POINT.

The point is what it has always been -- be good to others and love. That is the whole of the law and always has been. Buddhists are closer to the truth, but they are still not on track. I prefer the Minbari peoples' beliefs: We are the Universe figuring itself out. We learn a step at a time, but the essence of it all is Love One Another and Do Good to One Another. That is close to the Jewish beliefs and Christianity also has a piece of the TRUTH.

With all of these religions and all of the different types of religion, we still don't have IT yet.  We're getting there, but NOT YET.

WE still have a way to go yet.

Buddha was closer to the truth and Buddha himself had it figured out, but humanity doesn't learn and still has not got it yet.

The United States has a handle on the Truth but politicians keep getting in the way of the POINT; that is what keeps hanging us up and keeping us from the realization that there is no GOD on this planet and that leaders keep getting in the way, snatching humanity from the realization that is is and has always been LOVE ONE ANOTHER and DO GOOD TO OTHERS. At least the Jews got it right and that is why the Muslims have not been able to exterminate them as Islam decided when Mohammed created Islam and said it was GOD's prophet. Mohammed wasn't GOD's prophet and he did not create a good religion when he dreamed up Allah, saving him from the ignominy of being just a moon god and elevating Allah to the God of the Universe. He failed the way all creators of religions fail --- HE WAS WRONG.

That is why Jimmy Swaggart and all the rest of the Christian leaders failed -- THEY WERE WRONG -- and being wrong tripped them up because they are still human and still make mistakes. At least they had part of it right -- we are under grace and grace will save us.

Mohammed's rule about beheading and torturing the apostates and homosexuals was wrong and all those people who died because of Mohammed's fixation on sin died and helped the Universe figure itself out that much sooner. Mohamed doesn't get points for that because people have evolved and moved on just as the Universe had already decided.

We think we have it all figured out. We think that God (our manmade gods) has the answer. We are wrong. We have always been wrong because we are humans trying to understand the Infinite, The Universe.

That is why I get what the Minbari believe -- we are the Universe trying to figure itself out. That is not only truth; that is also poetry and it is RIGHT.

If you don't get it yet, stick around and pay attention. You'll get it sooner than you think.


That is all. Disperse.

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