Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Support Communism - Vote Democrat

While we were all aghast at the Obama win, we should have been paying attention to what Obama, and consequently what the current crop of Democrats have been doing and saying. We have been looking at the flashy tricks and not the magician's (or politicians') hands. We missed it. Indeed, I have missed it.

There was once an American Communist Party and that was thrown out long before the Red Scare and McCarthyism raised their red heads. We have been boondoggled, tricked while the real focus should have been on the magician's (politicians') hands all along. That is how it has always been done and how it is still being done.

While we, the people, have been dazzled by Obama's hope and promise he snuck his real agenda right past us and we missed it. I never bought into the flash or the sideshow. I did not care whether he was black or red or green. I did care that Obama was and did shred the U.S. Constitution and the Republicans did not call him on it or proceed with impeachment. They were also caught in the flash and the sideshow that was the whole issue of whether or not he was born in the United States or in Kenya. I never bought into that whole birther nonsense. I was never a birther, but having his grandparents living in Hawaii and the Hawaiian laws making it possible to hide Barry's birth did muck things up a bit and we fell for it. So many of us, including those who bought into the whole birther issue, missed the trick because they were all caught up in the issue. Barry was indeed born in the United States and he was not born on the proven fake long-form birth certificate that has been proven to be a fake even if he did post it on the White House website. Barry was born a whole year before the date listed on his faked long-form birth certificate, nor was he born at the hospital listed on the fake. Barry was born the year before in Washington state and his putative birth father, one Barack Obama, Sr., was not his biological father. Stanley Ann Dunham was pregnant before Barack Obama, Sr. was chosen to be the father of record because he was black, African actually, born in Africa, in Kenya, which is where the whole trick got started. That is how they planned and plotted the magic trick and why everyone fell for it. Everyone who fell for the trick was set up and the smooth and debonair black man pulled the wool over everyone's eyes, except for the people, the communists, who were in on the trick from the beginning.

Stanley Ann Dunham and her parents were communists and Barry was raised to be a communist, just like his grandparents and dear old mama. I'm sure that was part of the reason they chose Barack Obama, Sr. to play his biological father in the first place: he had the right politics and the right color to help pull the game off. Barack Obama, Sr. was a pushover and they used him from the beginning. Barack Obama, Sr. would choose whatever politics suited him while he climbed to power in Kenya and being an alcoholic made it easy to pull the wool over everyone's eyes because an alcoholic, is easy to fool as long as you keep plying him with alcohol. Barack Obama, Sr. was easy to fool, as is anyone whose female body he desired. Obama, Sr. was trained in the USSR by the Russians just as Obama, Jr. was trained by the Russians in his turn before he pulled out the fake birth certificate and bamboozled so many Americans with his birther nonsense.

You may point to Bernie Sanders and say that Jews do not support communism and you would be correct. Bernie has been an Independent all along but he sold his soul to the devil when he partnered up with Hillary Clinton to run for president of the United States. All you need to do is listen to his plans for America and listen to the plans for the rest of the Democratic Party to realize that this whole Democratic Socialism is a fancy way to say Communist. This country is and has always been a democracy and no matter how you slice the bread. You won't have to go very far to find the truth if you are willing to hear the truth. All of the Green party rhetoric is more boondoggle. The Democrats have cooked up the whole Democrat boondoggle the same way that Obama, Jr. cooked up the birther scandal. He has always been a communist and he has been waggling the faked birth certificate in front of our faces during two terms in office just as he paraded his children in front of us.

The original Democrats were part of the KKK from the beginning and the KKK used to burn crosses in peoples' front yards when they were not hanging negroes. All you need do is pick up a book and read it to find the truth -- if you can handle the truth. Remember, do not focus on the magician's hands (or the politicians' hands) if you want to find the truth. The Democrats were always the party of the KKK and Lyndon Johnson tricked the negroes with his whole welfare scheme just to get the negroes to keep voting for the Democrats for the next 200 years. The Democrats have changed their tunes to fit the game they have been playing the same way that Trump became a Republican overnight while he had been playing footsie with the Democrats for years. The only way that Trump could run was to become a Republican -- and he did -- because Bill Clinton challenged Trump to run against Hillary. Trump did what the Clintons did not feel was possible; he beat Hillary at the polls and, despite her maneuvering and schemes beat her at her own game because Hillary was not able to pull a win against Trump. In that case, despite the fact that the Clintons had primed the pump, the only real race for Hillary was getting Bernie Sanders to run on a Democratic ticket after so many years of winning on an Independent ticket. That was Bernie's problem. He decided to play Hillary's game on her terms instead of fighting his own fight on his own terms -- as an Independent. Tough luck, old man. You may have played the game that Hillary set up and that is why you lost. You should have stuck it out as an Independent and not played her game by her rules. Maybe you should have come out as a Democratic Socialist from the beginning. You might have run a better race.

Trump winning against Hillary was partly because he was out to win and he did. He played the game the same way that Obama, Jr. played the game, he kept his eye on the electoral college and racked up the necessary electoral college wins instead of focusing only on the popular vote. Hillary wouldn't have won if she had kept her eyes on the electoral college votes instead of focusing on her voter appeal, of which she has very few because she is who she has always been: a brainy woman with almost zero voter appeal. That is why she teamed up with Slick Willy in the first place. He had voter appeal where she has almost none. He is, was, and always has been a predator, a fact that is not lost on Hillary and for which she has run interference for him from the beginning. Slick Willy is also a super predator, a word which describes Slick Willy now and always has because he cannot keep his willy in his pants when he preys on women, as he did when he raped women during his Rhodes scholarship in the UK and here in the US when he raped Juanita Broadrick.

Bill Clinton has been known as Slick Willy for decades and he has been a super predator as long as he has been known as Slick Willy. Hillary knew the facts, but she wanted to win more than she wanted to hold his feet to the fire. She endured his liaisons before and will continue to do so as long as she can muster the energy to keep running for office, a fact that she took for granted when she faced Trump. Like me, she thinks of Trump as a blowhard and did not think that he would take his run for the presidency as seriously as Trump did. Oh, well. Live and learn, though Hillary has never really lived or learned just as the American people have not lived or learned from their mistakes. The American people have forgotten their history or they would not have been voting Democrat.

My parents were on opposite sides of the political fence and talked about their votes canceling each other out. I finally figured out that my grandparents and Mom were Democrats because they were aligned with the Ku Klus Klan and had voted Democrat when Democrats were racist and members of the KKK before the Democrats decided to pull in the negroes and the youth with their rebranded Socialistic Democracy. My father was a Republican to my mother's Democratic vote, but Mom knew where her politics lay and it has nothing to do with communism or the new Green Deal, which is the polite name for communism these days. Bernie should have stuck with his Independent ticket instead of signing on with the devil backed by the KKK because the KKK burned crosses on Jewish lawns just as they did on negro lawns. He should have remembered that instead of signing on with Hillary before she made short work of him at the polls.

That is all. Disperse.

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