Monday, April 13, 2020

Who will it be?

The Democrats are getting desperate. They have made their first political blunder, a major one; they have indicated a newborn died of the coronavirus. The child did not die of coronavirus nor did they have testing that proved he died of coronavirus; he died of neglect and the depression that comes with taking care of a fractious newborn. The same thing happens every day and this was no exception -- except that the corpse of the child did test positive for coronavirus, likely because his parents were infected -- or one of the examiners was infected. The Democrats chose to use this death to proclaim that Trump is the reason for the death -- He was not!.

That is how far the Democrats would go to turn Congress and especially the balance of power to the democratic cause even with Obama having come down on the side of the American people, putting aside his personal animosity toward Trump to win the election for his party on the back burner. One ore reason why I dislike the Dems and why I also have my doubts about the coronavirus outbreak in the USA and how it got a rapid foothold so fast in an election year. The Dems are spinning the narrative to get rid of Trump -- because they do not like Trump and because their impeachment fiasco took a big dump on the proceedings with the Senate siding with Trump and putting him out of danger for another run at the election.

I am nonpartisan but have viewed the Democrats winning several seats in the House because of their moderation with Bernie stepping down from the race, likely because of his coronary issues and his recent heart attack putting him out of the race. Good move since he is not well and his health is the fulcrum on which his candidacy turns with Joe Biden in the driver's seat, the man who would do anything (and did) to win against Trump. Bernie counted his position and his inability to win with Trump and Biden in the race (even with so many strong women -- among them Fauxcahontas -- to ally himself with). Bernie has not lasted so long as an Independent because he had any illusions about winning and sign onto the Democrats' party as a last-ditch attempt to keep himself and his delusions of the presidency (or his vice-presidency) uppermost in mind. He is a team player and has thrown his agenda on the table in a bargain with the devil at last.

I once believed in Bernie's rhetoric until he signed on with Hillary and Hillary did to him what she had always done -- threw him under the bus and backed up over him a couple of times. I knew them that Bernie was a team player and would make any deal to keep himself and his agenda alive. I stopped believing in him at that point. Any person who would sell his principles (and himself) for a spot at the table was very evident at that point. Elizabeth Warren, after jumping sides and signing on to the Democrats' agenda, proved to be a turncoat at last -- just as Bernie proved himself to be.

The POTUS is a powerful position and Warren and Bernie would do anything to take their chance in the hot seat no matter what they had to do to get there.

I knew Joe Biden with his touchy-feely hands would not outlive his #MeToo past and would have to give it up to remain a Democrat, even if he had to sign on to Obama's ticket to land in the vice-presidential seat as he did with Obama being voted out and he running for the POTUS position at last -- as he was undoubtedly promised until Trump won the seat for the Republicans and has withstood everything the Democrats had to throw at him. It must be because he has a majority in the Senate and the Dems did not have a clear cut case against him, so Biden will have to weather the storm that is coming and he may yet slip the noose and win against Trump with his touchy-feely rock hanging about his neck. He is within touching distance of the POTUS seat; all he must do is beat Trump at the polls -- a thing that a powerful and unscrupulous woman like Hillary could not do. Biden is likely to go down in flames as Hillary did, but he will be hung by his touchy-feely rope around his neck, a feat that not even a charming Bill Clinton would do with the rapes and questions about his checkered past -- and current behavior -- not without Hillary's help -- and Biden doesn't have Hillary in his corner.

I held out hope that the women that piled onto the Democrats' bandwagon during the last election in the wake of the #MeToo movement were out to change things, but they had AOC on their team and she was no Hillary and was too loose-lipped with her demands and the slippery way she had with the truth coming out. The women have either grabbed too much power in the wake of the #MeToo losses or their stomachs outpaced their intelligence and Trump's power. I know their ambitions got too much of a hold on them just as I know from personal experience, having let my wants outpace my desires -- and my pocketbook -- in the end. Lesson learned, but not quickly enough for my health and my seat at the political table.

I know my faults and know how much I have lost and how little I have to gain with my current health problems as they are. I left this too late in the game and did not learn from the past (as I should have) before I mounted my campaign to run for president. I am and have always been an Independent (not like Bernie) and will remain an Independent to the end. I am not like Warren who turned her coat at the slightest provocation to side with the Democrats. I am a Republican at my heart, but will not turn my coat to win an election to become a Democrat. I will remain an Independent no matter what.

But then I am not running for election and have not faced Trump in the field and have to turn my coat to win an election as Bernie did and Warren did. I would have become a Democrat had I been younger and faced with this dilemma, but I know the consequences and I am not an easily thwarted Republican. I am an Independent and realize that I cannot be a Democrat since I know how the world works and will not change my spots -- for anything

That is all. Disperse.

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