Monday, January 09, 2006

Quick finds

It's Monday again, one of those days that keeps cropping up every single, solitary week and in typical Monday fashion the news is weird, to say the least.

Monday was preceded by an interesting Saturday where I went to Woodland Park, had breakfast with my fellow VEs at the Hungry Bear (good home cooked food) and endured the usual jokes, info, and friendly camaraderie I've come to know from the MARC VEs. We had two people get their licenses and one is a brand new Extra who said he works nights and spent his evening studying code (he passed with 118 correct characters in a row -- perfect copy) and the theory for his Extra license. He has taken four months to go from Technician to Extra. I was there for all his exams.

I also took some time to read some of Paul's dad's memoirs, a book he took 1.5 years to write and put together. He wants to write another book and his wife has threatened to murder him if he does. The book is technically and grammatically flawed but it is a very engaging and fascinating read. Paul's dad has a very subtle and sneak-up-on-you kind of humor that is full of homespun views and thoughts. Paul's making a copy of his dad's book on CD-ROM for me and sending it this week. I can't wait to see the rest of the story.

What does a church sell to raise money? Angel Soft of course.

What is the hottest wedding date for 2006? Can't you guess?

That is all. Disperse.

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