Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Cassandra Speaks

"Smiling Faces Sometimes" 
Smiling faces sometimes pretend to be your friend
Smiling faces show no traces of the evil that lurks within
Smiling faces, smiling faces sometimes
They don't tell the truth uh
Smiling faces, smiling faces
Tell lies and I got proof
The truth is in the eyes
Cause the eyes don't lie, amen
Remember a smile is just
A frown turned upside down
My friend let me tell you
Smiling faces, smiling faces sometimes
They don't tell the truth, uh
Smiling faces, smiling faces
Tell lies and I got proof
Beware, beware of the handshake
That hides the snake
I'm telling you beware
Beware of the pat on the back
It just might hold you back
Jealousy (jealousy)
Misery (misery)
Envy I tell you, you can't see behind smiling faces
Smiling faces sometimes they don't tell the truth
Smiling faces, smiling faces
Tell lies and I got proof
Smiling faces, smiling faces sometimes
They don't tell the truth
Smiling faces, smiling faces
Tell lies and I got proof
(Smiling faces, smiling faces sometimes)
(Smiling faces, smiling faces sometimes)
I'm telling you beware, beware of the handshake
That hides the snake
Listen to me now, beware
Beware of that pat on the back
It just might hold you back
Smiling faces, smiling faces sometimes
They don't tell the truth
Smiling faces, smiling faces
Tell lies and I got proof
Your enemy won't do you no harm
Cause you'll know where he's coming from
Don't let the handshake and the smile fool ya
Take my advice I'm only try' to school ya

I'm almost hesitant to write anything political right now, and not because I'm afraid of repercussions. I feel like Cassandra who had the gift of sight but was doomed to be ignored, which in turn doomed Troy to be doomed.

I often talk politics with one of the drivers that delivers my groceries from King Soopers. He is an intelligent young man and we seem to be on the same centrist page most of the time. When I saw him Sunday he had just finished Dreams from my Father by Obama and he said that we have a president that is making his father's dreams come true. I couldn't agree more even though it seems like he is doing a good job, he is slowly crumbling the solid bedrock upon which this country stands.

I know. You're going to say that I'm racist and prejudiced and that I am a Republican, but all three would be wrong. Obama and Michelle Obama are racist and have proven it in what they write, she in her Master's dissertation and Obama in his actions. He courts the "people" but he is full of rage towards the United States, just like his father before him, an African tribesman who believed the U.S. had too much importance, too much money, and too much arrogance and needed to be brought to its knees to be just like any other country, preferably any other third world country.

Have you ever wondered why Obama has been on his near constant apology tour? Didn't it cross your mind to question why, during the talks with North Korea, Obama came away with nothing more than an agreement that the U.S. and Russia would get rid of 20% of their nuclear weapons (Russia has been selling theirs to the highest bidder since their communist government failed)? Didn't it occur to ask why Obama has no real foreign policy and why he is happy to let Iran have nukes?

I know that everyone reaches for the Nazis and Hitler whenever a discussion goes on too long, but the parallels are there, just in reverse. France and Britain stood by and pooh-poohed Germany's aggressive takeover of other country's territories, saying that Germany was just taking back what was once theirs. The blitzkriegs were swift and not a shot was fired so no one was hurt and Britain and France were content not to stir the angry ant hill. We are in the same situation.

Where is the outrage for Obama's apology when the American embassy in Egypt was attacked? We were attacked and the President of the United States apologized. What's up with that?  Where is the shock and dismay as Obama continues to apologize for the U.S. abroad when there is nothing to apologize for? Why has Obama given false dates for withdrawal from Iran and Afghanistan and continued aggression? Some say his actions in Afghanistan with the push are what we should have done in Vietnam.

There is this false bonhomie that Obama puts on but he chills my blood. It's one of those rare instances when I took an instant dislike to him as if some part of my brain recognized danger and my inner Robby the robot was waving his arms and screaming, "Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!" What I've seen since then scares me even more. The last time I got the Robby the robot warning was with smiling with all his teeth Carter and I was right about him, too, as has been proved by his actions in the Middle East and his red-faced rhetoric. What I continue to learn about Obama has turned my hair silver. Okay, that was already happening, but you get the picture.

Read Dinesh D'Souza's The Roots of Obama's Rage and read Obama's own words in Dreams from my Father. It will all become clear.

Call me Chicken Little. Call me racist. Call me anything you like, but take the time to read some of what I've read. Obama is out to destroy the United States and pluck her from her pre-eminent position. It infuriated his father and infuriates Obama that the U.S. produces about 2-3% of the world's oil and uses 23% of the natural resource. He considers that evil. What better way to take down this evil nation with too much of everything than to destroy us economically, financially, and personally. Even though the multi-trillion dollar bump in the deficit was due to Obama's stimulus package, because it was still part of Bush's fiscal year, Bush got the blame and the numbers. That is why it was so important to push that package of over larded pork through as quickly as possible so that Bush would get the blame. It's like Clinton's phantom surplus and balanced budget, all smoke and mirrors. Look at Obama with fresh eyes and see him for what he is. Forget about his young family and smiles, ignore his fancy speech making and take a good hard look at him when there is no prepared speech or teleprompter available. Stop making excuses for his mistakes and see them in a bright, hard light. This man needs to go before he can do the rest of the damage he has prepared, and he needs to go at the end of this election. Thwart his nefarious plans and put him out of the White House before we are a third world country and the world's economy is trashed by our fall or worse, that the world is in chaos as our enemies scramble to fill the vacuum that the United States' fall will create.

I sound like Cassandra, but be wiser than the leaders of Troy. Listen, read, pay attention, and do something about it or we will follow Troy. Remember, the book is called Dreams from my Father and not Dreams of my Father. Obama is making his father's dreams come true. Find out what they are and check your reality.

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