Monday, August 14, 2017

Who Was First?

While watching an episode of First Nations, I was surprised to see stories about the Kennewick man, a prehistoric hunter-gatherer whose grave was disturbed and the bones given to a local museum, which keeps the bones under several layers of security to keep Native peoples from stealing the bones and returning them to their 9000+ year-old earth as determined by the native peoples demanding the bones be reburied so the man's spirit (manitou) can rest and return to its sacred place among "the ancestors"? 

The point of the episode was to determine who was first to make a home on American, North and South, soil. Really? Does it make a difference that there were people who came across the land bridge from Asia to the Americas as the ice-bound pathways were opened up or if they came by boat along the coast? Whether the people were from the Ainu or whatever genetic makeup to make the Americas home does not really matter, except in the egos of those with the need to be first in a pissing contest that has been going on for centuries, millennia really. According to scientists who ruled the Kennewick man not to be of the same genetic makeup of the native peoples now living in the northwest of the North American continent, but likely of the Ainu or Asian born people along the eastern part of the Asian continent is just another pissing contest, at least until a geneticist in Copenhagen proved that the Kennewick man has some genetic similarity to modern Pacific northwest native peoples though there is a marked difference in skull shape and physical features as demonstrated by an artist rendering using the Kennewick man's skull which looks not at all like modern Pacific Northwest native peoples. I'm certain the native representatives who flew all the way to Copenhagen to see how DNA was extracted from the body of a man buried over 9000 years ago were pleased when the scientist said Kennewick man was from a similar gene pool as the native representatives claiming his bones are from their ancestor and should be reburied according to their customs and practices held sacred by their people. 

What puzzles me is how much genetic material also matched the modern day Ainu people as well as modern Pacific northwestern native peoples. There was a whole section on how Kennewick man was stronger and heavier than modern native people from the Pacific northwest, which is not surprising since it is doubtful modern native people engage much in hunting, tracking, and killing their prey for food.  Rather, the most exercise modern native people get is likely at the gym or whenever they hunt for clues among library stacks and talking with tribal elders about what they remember from oral histories of their people that go back generations. Native peoples might also trot out their hunting and gathering gear for the community potlatch or celebrations for tourists or vacationers and might also practice so the natives appear authentic to modern audiences. What the scientist in Copenhagen found was beneficial for the native claims of ownership of the Kennewick man's bones when they go back to court to get a judge's verdict that they may rebury the ancient man's bones so that his spirit will rest in peace and in perpetuity. After all, they already believe the Kennewick man is their ancestor and now science has, at least for the purposes of the television episode, proven modern day natives and the Kennewick man come from the same genetic pool. In the pissing contest, looks like the natives win . . . at least for now and until the full results of genetic testing in Copenhagen are released. 

As for me, I believe the Kennewick man's spirit was gone into the Great Beyond many millennia ago and grinding his bones to extract DNA for testing is as moot as it was for the native representatives who held a native ceremony to honor Kennewick man's sacrifice of his bones to be ground up and DNA extracted. 

I believe that the First Nation peoples or Native Americans, whenever they arrived in North America, are still the descendants of Cain.  Yes, that Cain from the Judeo-Christian stories about Adam and Eve and the death of Abel by Cain. Cain was given a mark to point him out to the rest of the people on the Earth and, after much digging, I discovered the mark was being unable to grow a beard, a beard being the hallmark of men proving their right to be men. In fact, modern day Muslims still view a man without a beard as feminine and not yet a man because he has not yet reached the age when facial hair grows in perfusion. Imagine, with a belief that a man's virility and masculinity is manifested by growing a beard, how men who cannot grow beards no matter their age and virility would be viewed -- as feminine and thus not having attained the stature of men. 

By following the trail of beardless men around the world and discovering where their presence and interbreeding have left genetic traces among the indigenous people, we can also follow the trail of where the men descended from Cain and carrying their beardless genes point. The problem is that science and most historians do not and have not (at least those who publish their findings) followed the trail of Cain. According to writings left by men, the descendants of Cain lived in South and Central America and were clustered around the civilizations that grew up near the Mexican Teotihuanaco, but what do ancient writings and stories count for in modern times? Not much if the stories and the data match up and prove an inconvenient truth. Historians, archaeologists, and scientists have ruined their careers over carbon dating that proves data that are inconsistent with the accepted mainstream story regurgitated by established protocol. 

Archaeologists like Brien Foerster have been churning out data and proof that has smeared egg all over the established scientific regurgitators who in turn have called Foerster's findings ludicrous, ridiculous, and insane. Good thing, Foerster sticks by where the data leads instead of what establishment shills regurgitate. 

Does it matter who did what first when there is no pissing contest and no establishment prize to vie for? 

The more I read and research, the more I find that anomalous data is leaking out all over the place. I feel a bit like Sam from the Night's Watch who destroyed a White Walker with a dragonglass dagger where no one saw him and who looks beyond the end of his nose to recover the secret of treating Grey Scale and curing Jorah Mormont of the dread and highly communicable disease. Sometimes you have to walk away from what you thought you wanted in order to discover the correct path to enlightenment.  

As a child, I spoke out against seasoned establishment historians when I espoused the idea of world wide trade and communication between the continents and the trading of information and building techniques of pyramids that are found in every continent around the world. I also pointed to the megalithic ruins along the coastline of South America that depicted black people having settled in South America. I championed the diffusion theory of why there are pyramids on every continent while the establishment regurgitators maintained pyramids were discovered and built spontaneously by every civilization out of a desire to imitate Nature; they built pyramids because Nature demonstrated that wind and the elements created pyramids that mankind decided to mimic. Anything else was pure poppycock, like black people sailing across the Atlantic Ocean and landing in South America to build cities and statues that looked like black people from Africa. Nothing else was possible. Evidently these regurgitators also pooh-poohed Thor Heyerdahl's crossing from Africa to South America in a papyrus boat as well. After all, Heyerdahl was a modern man and ancient man was less sophisticated and technologically lacking than Heyerdahl. Tell that to the red-headed and blonde-haired Polynesians with white skin who traveled from Persia (modern day Iraq) to South America and thence to New Zealand where their descendants still live. 

Moana a new Disney movie illustrates that the Maori were voyagers who came to Easter Island and the islands in the Pacific Ocean, stayed a long time, and were finally roused out of their comfort zone and back onto the voyaging ships and outriggers that carried them throughout the Pacific Ocean to begin civilizations through the Pacific Islands from New Zealand. If Disney can learn from the past then so can modern man even if they are scientists and historians who have been regurgitating the establishment version for their whole academic lives. 

Moana, an 8-year-old Maori girl and the fantasy Disney studios attempted to cash in on is not the point. The point is that DNA proves that people from Persia/Iraq sailed to the Atlantic side of South America, trekked across the continent, and launched from the Pacific side of South America to leave their statues and stories of red-hatted and yellow-hatted Moai (gods) behind which historians are just beginning to figure out although the proof has been in front of them for hundreds of years. These red- and yellow-haired white-skinned Polynesians were part of the world wide web of travel and trade that carried the pyramids around the world and likely also carried the descendants of Cain who was cast out beardless to wander across Europe and Asian and then to the American continents to leave their DNA and their generations behind. 

Who was first? The intrepid adventurer who was obeying some collective impulse generated by the morphic field/source field of the planet or an over-weaning curiosity that kept the adventurer moving ever forward into the unknown. 

That is all. Disperse. 

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