Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Who Pays Whom?

Christopher Portier-
Scientist or activist leader of ban glyphosate movement?
I'm not sure of the GLP is protecting the people they pretend to serve or serving up the people "who are not paid" for their services in rooting out glyphosate lies or protecting their paymaster.

You decide.

I've been bullied and publicly lashed for my unscientific approach to science because I read Natural News, written by an actual scientist who publishes what he finds in trials and investigations into things like Bitcoin values and how many shooters there were in Las Vegas at naturalnews.com.

The Health Ranger speaks out about what is going on in this nation, health-wise and politically, and has a long history of telling the world what the mainstream media keeps quiet about and what Google and the bully trolls that attack anyone -- and everyone -- who states the truth as they see it. What are people to do - believe the lies like most people or call them out and demand the truth? How can we get the truth when people have been bought and have signed papers that they will not talk about the litigation or the inconvenient truths?

You decide.

I decided to keep digging and keep calling foul when the lies are evident even to a lay person like me.

That is all. Disperse.

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