Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Free Will.

I've been castigated by people who are pro-transgender. I usually let them say whatever, even if it means calling me bigoted, prejudiced, and homophobic. That too is their right. I have my opinion and they have theirs and maybe the twain will never meet in the middle -- unless I break off the attack by not responding.

I take issue that LGBT proponents do not see the issue when I day transgender people step aside and let women have their say about being marginalized, ignored, assaulted, and told to step aside for some man who is finally getting his comeuppance and his dirty linen aired in the clear light of day. LGBT proponents tell me that transgender women are women too. I do not see transgender women that way. Transgender women have chosen to become women, they say. I say that is a lie. If transgender women have chosen to be women, then they would have been born women in the first place because that is what any woman did when she chose to incarnate in this life at this time, cried as the doctor smacked her on the bum to make her take her first breath as a kicking, screaming, living female baby.

LGBT proponents are deciding that even transgender women are women and chose to be women.

I hit the buzzer on that one.

If the LGBT proponents call foul on my view, let them do so. I was born a woman. I have prayed nightly as a young prepubescent girl to wake up as a boy. It never happened. I am a female. I was born a female. I have given birth to four male children. I am a female. I chose to be a female in this body at this time. I didn't choose to have surgery to have breast implants surgically inserted. If I'd chosen when I was eight years old to have something implanted it would have been a penis because to my very young mind it was the lack of a penis that put me in the nuisance category of life that gave my brother, five years younger than I, the privileges and benefits that I lacked by being born with a vagina.

No, I'm sorry. You don't get to become a woman simply because you agreed to have your penis excised, or split, scooped out, and refashioned into a vagina. I understand that your surgical choices were painful and you had to battle society for your choice, but how much of your choice is due to surgery and how much to the genetically modified food you have eaten that dumped estrogen into you body and how much due to the prestige of appearing to be a woman?

Bruce Jenner lived his whole life as a white male athlete until he chose to surgically alter his appearance to emerge as Caitlin Jenner. No, Bruce is not a hero.  No, Bruce is not a woman.  No, Bruce is not icon to be worshiped because he chose to have his penis excised, scooped out, and the remaining tissue turned inside out and be fashioned into a vagina. I applaud his willingness to undergo the pain, but I'm certain Bruce didn't stint on the narcotics to help him through the surgical pain. He chose the surgical pain since he didn't choose to become a woman before he incarnated as Bruce Jenner, male athlete.

I do tend to feel that biological males who choose to wear dresses and pretend to be women are as phony as drag queens smoothing on their stockings and filling their dresses with falsies or silicone implants are still like my younger brother who sometimes went out on Halloween dressed as a girl -- playing dress-up.

Try as they might, transgender females, whatever they chose to have done to appear female, do not understand or know what it's like to be a woman. Transgender women have not lived with the knowledge that no matter how smart, how talented, how savvy they are, they will remain marginalized because they were born women, shuffled to the back of the bus, and overshadowed, ignored, denied, and forced to be quiet no matter their station, ignored because they are after all only women -- or girls -- people not worth listening to because they are WOMEN and women are always emotional, cry at the drop of a hat, and not worth listening to unless they're on their backs.

No one ever faces that the reality of being born a female, a girl, a woman, a second-class citizen means the whole of humanity does not exist without having been born from between feminine thighs, nursed at feminine breasts, and told to sit down, shut up, and let the men talk.

The reason men have nipples is because they were born from tissue put together in a woman's body and for a brief time while chromosomes and genes differentiate and gender determined with the suppression of a second X chromosome and the addition of a Y chromosome that biologically determines whether the gestating entity is born a woman (XX) or a man (XY). Yes, sometimes the connections between the chromosomes and the genes get mixed up (XXY, XYY, XXYY, etc.) and the parents decide which gender the baby will be in the case of a hermaphrodite, choosing to rear the entity as male or female because the doctor cannot say for certain whether the hermaphroditic baby is more male or more female.

As the child grows up, being raised male or female doesn't really count in the societal view even if the being has a penis and (not clearly obvious) a vagina. The end result is parentage children no matter what the parent choose to be seen as. The scientific truth is the hermaphrodite fathers a child or births a child no matter what the parents and/or the doctor decided when they were born -- or shortly after.

But there are few hermaphrodites born and thus fewer cock-ups in determining the gender of the entity born.

No, the problematic issue comes up later when "scientists" genetically modify food that contains sufficient phyto-estrogen or phyto-androgen to mix things -- and people -- up.

It doesn't matter to scientists whether the societal tag is taken from the LGBT lexicon or not. They've muddied the hormonal waters sufficiently already. It's up to the surgeons to take it from there -- and the psychiatrists or psychologists to handle the transition mentally and the LGBT proponents will handle the politically correct language.

I chose to be incarnated (born) a female and have fought my entire life to follow the protocol laid down by my mother, a dictate I fought against with my mother the entirety of my life. No, I will not play dumb just to attract a man.

No, I will not give up my further education and step aside for my five years younger brother because he was born a privileged male.

No, I will not shut up and refuse to say what I wish because girls should not put themselves -- or their ideas -- forward.

No, I will not spend my life deferring to a man because he is a male just because I was born a girl.

No, I will welcome blacks and Asians and anyone into my house regardless of your views because it is MY house.

No, I will not be prejudiced and I will acknowledge that my ancestor was a slave fleeing his master because that is who I am and what I drew in the genetic lottery.

I will not shut up and sit down simply because you're an adult and I'm a child. I have thoughts of my own.

No, I will not give up my intelligence or stop questioning religion, politics, genetics, and life just because you say so.

I have opinions. I have rights. I have free will.

I choose to exercise my free will at my discretion and not at yours or your friends' or your children's or your narrow-minded pronouncements. I choose. I speak. I am.

That is all. Disperse.

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