Tuesday, July 24, 2018

New venue

I am sitting here at my computer in a very different position. I have to come to the common room to get anything done because I had to move. My sisters wanted me in a cheaper costing apartment and so they shelved me in Urbana. It isn't easy for them to visit me regularly, but them's the breaks. Living in Ohio was a big change. I did it to see my grandchildren, except their mother put the kaibosh on that plan by refusing to let me see them.  In other words, I am living in central Ohio (didn't want to be here anyway) and have been through the mill (hospital and rehab) and I was not allowed to get out of rehab until I had a place to go. No to the place to go. One sister is recently remarried. The other sister took her daughter in (she's in drug rehab and must be monitored closely). The brother (I only have one) doesn't want to have me move in because he blames me for his fiancee's death. It happened in a restaurant on Dec. 26, 2017. She dropped dead in public, but he blames me because she died and was at odds with me. I was in Colorado at the time, but the rule is that since I didn't like her and had warned my brother about her over the past 10 years, and she didn't like me and had not forgiven me, I am to blame. So much for Christian charity. I think I prefer Islamic charity. Cut my head off and that cures all ills. Head off--dead--done.

It may be brutal, but it is final. No need for decades-long (or years long) enmity. Oh, well. Done is done. She's dead and I warned my brother she would not come to the USA (I had it from her originally).  Now she is dead and I'm no longer a threat. I think I'll keep future relations on the down-low to avoid future issues. If she doesn't talk to me and I don't ever meet her, there can never be an Had I waited to be accepted here at Messiah instead of waiting (I still waited) I could have moved in sooner and saved a few thousand in rehab charges. It would've been cheaper, but I would not have chosen such roommates and made new friends and enemies. I still have to go to court on my temporary restraining order on Aug. 15. I could avoid that by not going, but that would leave me open for further harassment and another court date for a civil protection order. My female roommate would consider that a win and I would still be targeted. I will go to court next month and get the 5-year protection anyway. Better to  be safe and not sorry or have to do it at another time. Well, she won't be pregnant then and slamming down the race card every time. I will go. Maybe she will fail to show and I'll get the 5-year protection order and save myself the trouble.

Either way, I'm screwed because I am here at Messiah among friendly and welcoming seniors. That is to the good. The very good.

Don't cry for me. I am somewhat independent and soon to be civilly protected. Hooray for me.

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