Thursday, November 08, 2018


What if I challenged 2 groups of people? Would you join in?

The whole point of the challenge is to find the results of two different styles of eating. One would be the usual prescribed diabetic eating style and the other similar to the prescribed diabetic eating style with a couple of changes -- eating food that is full fat eating restricting only the cereal grain part of the meal.

You could do the challenge to incorporate holidays, like Thanksgiving and/or Christmas. You are allowed all the cream, cheese, and full fat dairy that you wish to eat, but will not be allowed bread, tortillas, or the ubiquitous pies with crusts

Don't rule this out because you won't get pie. That is a fallacy. You will get pie; you just will not get pie crust the old-fashioned way. You will get butter laden, flaky pie crust -- made with coconut flour and coconut meat. The filling will be the kind of fillings you love -- sweet potato, pumpkin, and even custard -- but without the sugar. No processed sugar will be allowed, but you will eat all the vegetables you want perfumed and flavored with butter or cream or whatever else you like.

We are going to turn the FDA food pyramid upside down and the result will be weight gain for some and weight loss (a whole lot o weight loss) for others. You will be eating the same thing the other group is eating, except you will gorge yourself on full fat instead of going low fat. Carbs will count, but not the same way you have been taught. You will get your carbs from well cooked and buttery seasoned vegetables and you can have as many portions as you can eat -- without barfing

For one month you will be eating healthier and better than you ever thought possible and you will lose weight.

How about it? Are you game?

Contact me at to sign up. There is no cost (except the cost of the food) to join. You may find that your depression, brain fog, memory loss, and other ailments will disappear or lessen. How about it?

That is all. Disperse

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