Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Hold Monsanto's Feet to the Flames

Trump is doing the wrong thing now. He won't admit that Monsanto's glyphosate is a human carcinogen. The problem is that Monsanto is the cause of the bees dying and now the Monarch butterfly dying. Without the bees and the butterflies, all the humans will die since there will not be enough pollinators to pollinate the plants. Without the plants, humans will die and humankind will be on the endangered list. We will die and all that will be left is Mother Earth. The planet will be left to Mother Nature and humanity will be extinct and gone from this earth. Without humanity that will also kill Monsanto. No more Monsanto, no more glyphosate, and no more carcinogens.

All the money in the world will not pay off the survivors because there will be NO survivors.

No survivors equals no more population control, no more disease, and no more problems. No humans means Mother Earth will shake us off like a bad habit and the planet, its flora and fauna, will return to the same state as the Garden of Eden, except there will be no more sin because there will be no more people to sin. I guess that means no one wins. No humans means no worshipers and that means no more gods. Even Allah will have no more Muslims. The end of humanity means the end of everything -- and that is even before Full Disclosure.

I have a strong suspicion that my uncle died last year because the mole (lump) he had excised before he got brain cancer was the result of Monsanto products that contained glyphosate. I wonder if his family realizes that his death from glyphosate would mean a multimillion dollar payoff. They have a lot of money because my uncle left them a whole lot of money from all the property he amassed and sold for a whole lot of money.

The sad thing is that he died of brain cancer that his wife and oldest daughter tricked him into taking chemo, something he had told them long before he didn't want to take. Too bad for him. His wishes were ignored and his family used trickery to get him to take chemo. The chemo didn't save him and died anyway.

That is the way some families can be -- they will ignore you and do things you do not want if they can manage it by trickery. That makes me sad when people can trick people who do not want chemo into taking chemo in the form of a pill. That is a nasty turn of events. Such duplicity makes me angry. My uncle couldn't trust his family and I realize now he shouldn't have trusted them. He might have lived a little longer by taking chemo, but not even chemo could or would have cured him. He died anyway.

I thank the fates that we haven't figured out how to give butterflies or bees chemo.

Monsanto stood by while hives of bees collapsed and the scientists dithered along claiming they didn't know what was causing the bee colony collapse. I know people lie, but it seems scientists, like the ones that work for Monsanto, had no idea that their glyphosate products were the reason for bee colonies collapsing and they probably had no idea the glyphosate was a human carcinogen. At least the WHO (World Health Organization) figured out that Monsanto was the author of creating glyphosate and that is the source of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma -- or basically cancer. Yes, Monsanto needs to pay for the harm they caused, but I would prefer that Monsanto be closed and the people forced into unemployment, the board and the company scientists are thrown into jail as criminals. It doesn't mean anything if the company continues to operate and continues to create other herbicides like glyphosate.

Have you figured out what has happened in the Gulf of Mexico? Glyphosate poisoning of the gulf. It is the result of rainfall in the midwest that runs off the land and into the gulf to create the dead zone. Have we learned nothing?

The midwest suffered one of the worst known man-made disasters that sent farmers to California. The black blizzards were the result of topsoil thrown into the air, killing millions. Their lungs suffered for their mismanagement and bad farming practices. Mankind has ruined the land and the health of his fellow men with his meddling. Trump has been on the path to adding his name and his presidency to the slow and painful demise of mankind.

Might be a good time to beef up the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), follow the WHO condemnation of Monsanto in Europe, and forestall the end of mankind by holding Monsanto, its board, and its scientists responsible for what they have done to the environment and to humans. Glyphosate is a probable human carcinogen according to WHO, but I say glyphosate IS definitely a human carcinogen and all involved in glyphosate's creation and distribution should be classified as criminals of the first water.

Maybe the EPA with Trump's backing can finally link the dots and realize that Monsanto is also instrumental in bee colony collapse, the death of Monarch butterflies, and the source of the runoff in the Midwest that has killed the ecosystem of the Gulf of Mexico. Those are the crimes of which Monsanto is guilty and Trump needs to do something about it. Beef up the EPA, fun research here in the United States, and hold Monsanto's feet to the fire. Yes, the NASDAQ will take a few hits, but the extinction of the human species trumps Wall Street.

Don't you agree?

That is all. Disperse.

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