Sunday, October 06, 2019

Choose Life

I have been watching PBS for a while now and have been made aware of the disparately high rates of death among blacks and Hispanics during the last great war: Vietnam. I have not seen similar statistics oh the war in Iraq or the other wars the United States has been involved in. I suspect now that the Chicanos and blacks can come up with similar statistics; they are dying in disproportionately high numbers as well.

The rule of war is that everyone will die. The likelihood of dying in a war is almost a given. Blacks and Latinos are also dying in higher numbers. The lower down on the list you are, a private, corporal, or sergeant, the greater the likelihood you will die. The fact is that whoever goes to war is likely to die: black, Hispanic, white, Asian, etc. The fact is that if you go to war, no matter your capacity in the chain of command, you will more likely die. That is the fact of war. Death follows when people go to war. No matter how much education you have and what rank you hold, the end result is more than likely going to be death. War equals death.

The same is true when you cross the street, walk down your own street, or downtown in cities (big, medium and small). You are not going to get out of this life without dying -- unless you are a brainy guy or gal who is working on immortality and have cracked the code, not by being bitten by a bat or vampire, but by living a natural life. You will die. It is inevitable. You are born. You live. You die.

Nothing has changed. Birth ends in death.

No matter how many programs yo vote for and participate in, be it socialism, communism, democracy, or Islam, you live only to end up dead. even planning for your death with life insurance will not change the outcome. You will die.

My parents are dead; it was their time. My grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins are dead. It was their time. Some of them died with cancer. Some of them died in wars. Some of them died at the hands of terrorists. Some of them died from the effects of substances that caused cancer, like glyphosates. The manner in which you die is down to how you lived your life and what products, nutrition, and genetics you drew in the lottery.

For instance, my father died of prostate cancer after he had had surgery and was pronounced cured. I knew when he told me he was cured that he would have ten years to go before cancer spread to his bones and he would die. That is how he died -- bone cancer as a result of metastatic prostate cancer was inevitable and he died. We do not know why our mother died (heart attack, eating too much processed sugar and the products she loved that contained processed sugar, or simply her heart gave out. She is dead, has been dead for over six years. she had already beaten cancer and had not yet succumbed to the hemangiomas in her liver, kidney, etc. (Hemagiomata are like blood tumors -- huge blood blisters -- that grow on or in divers organs.) She had only one kidney, having the other kidney removed earlier. In her case, BB and my brother were already tagged and matched because they had the same blood type as our mother. Her rare blood type was already matched and she would take one of her own children's kidneys if her remaining kidney failed. No need. She died alone. Neither my sister nor my brother had to give up one of their kidneys to save her and neither of them would have to go without a kidney for the rest of their lives. I'm certain one of their children would give up a kidney for them if it came to that.

Life happens. Death happens. None of us are getting out of this existence alive. How we die is a matter of timing, choice, and God's will. If we happen to be Muslim, we are guaranteed a life in Paradise and all that entails. If we have thrown the dice and chosen to go out with a bang, taking our enemies with us, Paradise will be our reward.

If we believe in Jehovah, death is still our reward and we will go wherever Jews go when they die. Christians go to either Heaven or Hell. Atheists and Agnostics go wherever they go when they quit this world. Buddhists go to promised reward and so on and on and on. Basically, when you die you will go where your life leads you. Your family, friends, and acquaintances will mourn you when you go or set up some kind of memorial in your honor, remembering you and honoring you when you are gone. but in the end, death is the conclusion of your corporeal life, unless you believe that you are reincarnated and will have to go through yet another corporeal. Weexistence to learn what you failed to learn the first time around. In that case, you will have another chance.

Or in yet another case, you will have learned all you can from this corporeal existence and go back to the Universal Creator to give up your knowledge and the lessons you learned while you were a physical being. Basically, you live and you will eventually die. to become a part of the universal creator, returning to the source of all, adding your experiences and life to the eternal good from which you came.

In the end, you are physical for a short lifetime and then you report back to the Creator of all and give up your knowledge and experience. We live and we die. What happens afterward is up to us. I believe that love is the greatest gift we have to give.. We live. We die. In between, we can do good to others and for others or we can treat them badly so that all we have to share with the Creator is that we failed to love and be of service to the rest of humanity. It is all a matter of choice -- our own free choice. Do we love and do good for others or are we selfish and care only about ourselves?

Or you can be a sunflower. Sunflowers exist, living their lives to be beautiful. Sunflowers do not wage war, do not kill, do not hurt others. Sunflowers just are. Maybe we all would be better if we chose not war but existence and helping others. No more wars. No more killing, No more prejudice. No more. Just exist. Choose life and help others.

That is all. Disperse.

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