Saturday, October 12, 2019

Where truth and lies bump heads

Susan Rice was on television this morning touting her new book "Tough Love". She didn't get into the whole issue about how she lied so many times when she appeared on five different talk shows one Sunday; all she said was "That is classified." That is a whole different issue from when Hillary lied about Benghazi. I suppose the issue is not really moot since Ms. Rice and Hillary continue to lie about the Benghazi issue. They used the lies to promote Obama, who lied first and said that Benghazi was all about the cartoons portraying Mohammed and that is why Chris Stevens and the rest of the people died back in 2012 when Obama wanted to be re-elected.

Lying is all part of what Obama, a Muslim despite what he tells the rest of the world, does. It is called taqqiya, the lies that all Muslims tell to everyone outside of their religion and their method of dealing with the rest of the sinful world, the world that includes the rest of the planet.

It is quite permissible for Muslims to lie to unbelievers (the rest of the world -- you and me). No matter what Obama says about being a Christian and going to Rev. Wright's church and sitting in the front pew listening (or not listening according to Obama and Rev. Wright) to his fiery speeches about having Plymouth Rock fall on them because they are black. Obama never grew up here in the United States. He borrows his black rage from others who actually experienced racism here in the USA, pretending that he knows what it is like to be on the short end of the stick because he is mulatto (born of a black man and a white woman). That tactic worked for him in the election for president and in his books about being born of a Kenyan native, a white woman but that was all a lie. Taqqiya.

Yes, he was born of a free white woman, a US citizen, Stanley Ann Dunham and a black man, but not the black man she pretended was Barry's father: Barack Obama, Sr.

Not the black man he wrote about in his Dreams From my Father autobiography. That book, though well written, is a lie because Barry was brought up on lies, told lies, and continued to tell lies. Taqqiya.

Who knows? Maybe, besides being a communist, she was also an adherent of Islam, a Muslim, too.

We do know that she was married to Barack Obama, Sr., and also to Lolo Soetoro, both Muslims. No doubt she also dd more than listen when the Muslims calling from the minarets of their local mosque every morning. She listened and likely converted.

I do not know for certain just like I do not know for certain that Barry paid attention while sitting at the front of Reverend Wright's church while he exhorted his church, calling down damnation for having had Plymouth Rock fall on their heads.

In a way, people see me going to church on a Sunday despite the fact that I am a self-confessed atheist. They also do not see me take communion because I do not take communion. But they can imagine that my atheism is also a fake even though my atheism is not a fake. I do not believe in taqqiya since I am NOT a Muslim and do not follow Islam. 

I do not believe that the gods, from Buddha to Allah to Jehovah, exist or are real. They were made up by mankind and manmade gods are born of the ego and need to control everyone who does believe.

I do not go to church to follow these manmade gods. I do go to church because singing songs and listening to a philosophy that is part of my childhood feels good to me, touches all those places inside me that remind me that I am part of society and part of the world. That is why I attend church. I have not given up my atheism; I have simply recognized my need for people and for community. I do not believe that the Universal Creator will punish me for being human.

That is not the same as Taqqiya, the equivalent of the Roman Catholic confessions that leave Roman Catholics feeling safe and secure in their god's graces. Taqqiya is the Islamic safety net that allows Muslims to believe in their manmade god, Allah, and honor Mohammed as the source of their religion.

From that perspective, Obama is safe in Allah's eyes, though I doubt he will get points for being a homosexual since Mohammed and the Quran strictly forbid homosexuality as a lifestyle choice. According to Mohammed as written in the Quran homosexuality is punishable by beheading. Obama plays the heterosexual married man by being wed to Michelle, his wife, and raising two daughters, also believed to be the biological issue of sexual congress between Michelle and Obama but it all goes back to Taqqiya.

I have heard that Obama is being sued by Malia and Sasha's actual biological father and so the whole truth is likely to come out, destroying the taqqiya the Obamas have been keeping up for the sake of appearance. Malia and Sasha will finally discover they are not the biological issue of sexual congress between Michelle and Barry, but the biological issue of Ezekiel Wilekenmeyer Wiliams.

I do not think Zeke resembles Malia or Sasha. The same cannot be said of Dr. Blanchard and Mr. Nesbitt.  Good call, Mr. Nesbitt, you do rather resemble Barry.   
Dr. Anita Blanchard and Marty Nesbitt are Malia and Sasha's biological parents. 

It has been reported that Ezekiel Williams, above, is a lawyer in Colorado. You decide which of these people are the Obama children's parents? 

There is also the story that Michelle is actually Michael and had sexual reassignment surgery. There is a doctor who claims that Michael (now Michelle) has had breast implants and has undergone reassignment surgery so that means the claims that Michelle has a penis is also a fake. Barry would have preferred Michael (now Michelle) have a penis to satisfy his carnal urges and provide him with his need for homosexual connection. 

With all the technology available, it does not do to tell a lie when there is so much technology to prove you wrong. 

Taqqiya does not track in this technological world the way it would have 1400 years ago when Mohammed was alive and everyone had only Mohammed's writings and delusions to rely upon. 

Taqqiya is how Trump has been fooled and caught by the Saudis. There is no way to circumvent Trump's ego or his pride the way that MBS, the Saudi crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, has done over Khashoggi's death and dismemberment. That is one issue that Trump needs to work on, his ego and gullibility where it touches all issues with truth. Taqqiya wins out every time, especially over Trump's ego. 

Trump has an issue with ego and truth that has imperiled the United States just as the United States had trouble when Barry was the POTUS. Same problem. Different presidents. Trump does not always tell the truth. He is susceptible to flattery and pomp and circumstance. 

Barry took the oath of office where he promised to protect all enemies, foreign and domestic. He lied. He spent most of his time in office bowing before Muslim princes an apologizing for the US. That unfortunately was true -- the bowing and apologizing. Obama could not swear to protect the USA from all enemies foreign and domestic since he was and is a Muslim, sworn only to protect the Quran and Mohammed, and to destroy all enemies of Allah. 

Oh, for the reincarnation of the old Honest Abe. 

That is all. Disperse. 

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