Monday, April 11, 2005


When I received a supplemental issue of Gila Queen's Guide to the Markets this morning with the message about Writer Beware I called the listed name to be sure it would be all right to post the warning and the info on my journal. At first it didn't dawn on me that the person I called was someone with whom I had someone in common: Andre Norton. What ensued was pure serendipity.

Ann Crispin, who writes as A. C. Crispin and co-wrote two books in Andre Norton's Witch World series, was the woman I talked to this morning. She was one of the people a certain poisoned Rose kept from Andre to keep the knowledge of what she was doing secret. I had heard much of Ann, but found her to be charming and intelligent when we spoke this morning. When I explained who I was and told her what I wanted to do, she responded by inviting me to join the Science Fiction Writers of America in order to facilitate my search for writers who had been touched and mentored by Andre Norton. It looks like I have the credits to be an affiliate member and Ann encouraged me to join.

In the course of our conversation it became apparent that I would be able to help Ann out by clearing up a misunderstanding between her and SF/F writer Anne McCaffrey, who is also a long time friend. Serendipity indeed.

Out of all this, I will get to meet and interview and write about some of the most famous writers in science fiction and fantasy and be able to spend time sharing memories of Andre with long time friends. It's not quite the same as writing a profile or doing an interview with them for a publication and we will all be sharing what we know about a truly wonderful writer. It may not seem like much to some people, but it's a lot to me. And it is indeed...


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