Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Just a little quickie

I'm hot and sweaty and just slightly miserable but I will make it through this. At least I didn't have to cook dinner tonight. The landlady invited Nel and me down for hamburgers made on her new grill. A little glass of wine, a couple of Black Angus burgers and fresh cooling breezes were just what I needed after that cool shower. But then I had to go to the store to buy all the ingredients for my picnic on Friday and spend the rest of my money on food for the week. Needless to say, there's nothing left in the kitty. At least the landlady was nice enough to offer me a pound of real butter, 18 fresh laid eggs and two 8-oz packages of cream cheese for the cheesecake (could that have been a hint?).

I really don't want to face the hot oven on a night like this, but at least I can retreat to the bedroom where it's cool and even to the shower to stand in the lukewarm water that during the winter time is glacial. Why can't it be the other way around? At least we have water. We didn't his afternoon.

Have you ever noticed how thirsty you get when someone tells you the water is turned off? I didn't until the landlady called me up and told me our water was pffft and the city was working on a break in the main up the road on another street. Suddenly the Sahara desert with a sirocco wind sucked all the moisture out of my mouth and there was no relief. I was beginning to eye the water in the toilet tank and was thinking of reasons why that would be safe but the water came back on just as I discovered the cream in the refrigerator door was no longer viable. Maybe I should shake a few dollars loose from the next paycheck and buy a case or two of bottled water but I just hate thinking of all those plastic bottles that have to be disposed of...at least until the water goes off again when it's hot and the Sahara is blowing a hot dry wind across my tongue and down my throat.

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